Joakim Jonsson
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Was the clock tower games ever “good”? I have not played them myself so don’t have a say. But I watched lets plays of the first and the third, and they for me feel like charming weridness, with very clunky gameplay. The first game was really good looking however.

Wouldn’t be mere sight of a dildo be more offensive for hetrosexual men? They have to stand watching something they can never have. Well, they can buy one themself, but thats not the point!

What? Nooo.... Thats silly... SHUT UP!

I think Dark Souls 2 has better gameplay. Buts thats the only thing it beats Dark Souls 1 with. Dark Soul 1 is an absolute must to play. From what I’ve seen of, Dark Souls 3 will be more enjoyable if you have played the previous games and have more context about its story and where it is set compared to those games.

Yup, thats actually how they came to that topic. They feelt he was hypocritical for bashing on their game and then holding a dildo from Saint row in another his videos. They obviously know a great deal of what is offensive for that one other gender.

Yet worst, years later you do meet by accident, but he is changed, so full of his own success that meeting you is almost shameful for him. You have a forced conversation and you realize you have nothing in common anymore and he has no intresed in catching up at all. So you just walk away feeling empty and awkward.

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I wonder if they are aware of another video Jim Sterling made where he pretty much just mocked a trailer of a game. Not playing it himself.

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I would almost feel sorry for them if Jim counter-sue them. (Although no idea what legal requirments that needs to meet.) They remind me of this video of John Cleese.

Y’know I honestly don’t think they do this for the money. They think they are in the right. It would cost them tremendusly if they fail in court and I sincerly doubt they will gain enough donations. I could frankly bet that they will probably drop the case because of not getting enough money.


With Tom Waits as The Merchant:

An awesome episode! Thats my honest opinion.

I wonder if Lucasart/Disney still holds the rights for the Sam & Max game. Don’t recall any of their logos in TellTales episodic adventure.

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Damn, the game looked so close from being finished. Wasen’t really intrested in the game until I saw a sponsored episode series on Extra Credits were they talked about the risk and challenges of the games development and it’s F2P model. They at least seemed to have some good ideas for the game.

This was just painful reading.

So much potential for a movie, yet so much meh.

Heck that this game has had such a long development is the only reason why I am hyped about it at all. There is so little else known about the game. But it at least somewhat proves that there is serious effort and investment in renewing the series.

I had my doubts about this game, but it does look fun.

More importantly, If Missingno can get rerelease with the game I would say thats clear confirmation thats missingno is part of the orignal 151, or should I say 152.