Joakim Jonsson

Nooooo. Thats riddicules! Geek rage! They are wastly different. Brotherhood of steel is more like religious seclusive group of templars with guns, while The Imperial Legion are like the Roman army.

I can’t say I enjoy the story more in Halo 4 and haven’t played Halo 5 fully.


Ha! I started played it for the first time sense CS 1.5 and I still get kiddos accousing me for that. And I suck at the game.

Nowdays I usally switch between using controller or mouse and keyboard while playing a game on PC. And I do generally prefer keyboard and mouse on first person game. But I can’t play Fallout 4 without an controller. The menys are just designed for it, it makes something bad at least manageable. Which is kinda funny

I don’t know any other christmas gift I’ve used for 13 years, Gamecube is the only consol I took with me after I moved out and it’s still under the TV. Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time are pretty good games too.

Damn a bit out of my reach.

I was a bit on edge when I first started the game. The graphic didn’t impress me, and the whole thing just feelt like a standard Bethesda game with few new ideas.

Oh, someone else notice. Making your crazy cat room is the best thing about it. I wonder if I can lock people in it.

It was a pretty magical moment watching that ship crashing through the sky out of nowhere, I actually found the ship. But didn’t notice the blaster. BUMMER!

As I said, I don’t think it’s an major issue in Halo 5. I just prefer Reach in that regard. Whats is artisiticly pleasing might not be the best design. For me Halo is a game about movement, more so than shooters like call of duty or counter strike. Where you mostly stand still while shooting. If you are playing Halo

It’s so weird how this is so different from the movie industry, where you can read and interview people about big movie projects years ahead before they finished, if they ever get finish. And I think the general public becomes more aware of how the industry work because it. In gaming, it’s just all about hype, no

Cool beans!

Thanks for the respons. I think with any other game this year I would have waited until a few patches. But I really liked Fallout 3, warts and all. Besides, me alone with just red wine and candles sounds less fun.

Alright Jason, Kirk and Patricia. (Hi Patricia!) I was considering buying Fallout 4 today and enjoy my Firday with it and a bottle of red wine, maybe some candles. But now I’ve read so many things about it that makes me a bit unsure, and got me thinking maybe I should wait a bit. So I hope you guys will save me from

I used to be a big Conan fan. Even been in the audience once back in 2008, which is extra impressive considering traveling to New York from Gothenburg is quite expensive. But grown out of that sort of entertainment completely, I am now boring and nothing but Werner Herzog documentaries are funny to me.


Oh come one, don’t we all have one day when we mistakenly take one part of a game, and put it in a store, price it and then whoopsi daisy it’s in the recent patch?

You must have really high hopes for humanity if you think thats a minority. ;)

Considering how much they gained the first days I would have expected more at this point. It does seems like the recent attempts at crowfounding has been somewhat slow even if the game has a really good presentation.