Joakim Jonsson

I may be a white boy from a middleclass family.

One thing I don’t get about overwatch is how you get to play different characters. Do you choose them, or is random? I’m asking because every time I’ve seen gameplay footage it it looks very diverse and I haven’t seen 2 players play the same character on one team.

Regardless of what people think of gaming media in general, there is nothing wrong awarding people and content that strives to improve it. It might actually help increasing the quality in a small way.

Now playing

Something similar to that is the first level of battlefield bad company 2. A few months ago I recorded this video of a part of it. I was playing on the hardest difficulty.

Its cool man. I just have a hard time knowing if a comment that starts with LOL is in any way serious. :)

Lol, opinions.

Good news, Skyrims ending is remarkably unremarkable. You get an awkward “hip hip hooray” and thats about it.

I would wait untill tomorrow if you can. If it is anything major thats gonna be noticed...Loudly.

This game was going to be a day 1 purchase, but with a thight budget and this news it feels like I can wait to the end of the month. Hope it works decent enough for the majority of people tomorrow. Would be a bummer if such a major releases drags down because of this. (We had enough of those games this year as it is.)

I think is harder for some to “move on” if you are constantly reminded. I can admit that I can jealous, so if a person I like for example show intrest in someone else its hard. I don’t want to guilt her about it, and don’t want be jealous type at all. So sometimes its just easier to not stay in contact, at least for a

I think the name is pretty self explanatory,

Yeah. Honestly I hate the term “friendzone”, relationship is an organic process and how people feel about eachother changes constantly. Friendzone makes it sound like its a dead end, while most of the time it’s the start to everything. Then again if I am attracted to someone and she is not but wants to be friends that

There is certainly a bit truth to that. Although I would say my current female friends are people the friendzone is a mutal agreement. But I’ve often been in that situation. Those friendship tend to not last though.

You know all does times they told you stealing immoral? It’s fallout 4, just saying.

Damn that sucks! Kinda been there myself. After buying Halo 3 Legendary edition I stopped buying any sort of special edition. Not that I feelt ripped of by that, I just feelt like the extra fluff didn’t improve my life whatsoever. And feelt a bit ashamed on spending so much on a game.

I foundly remember Evolves announcment. Which was pretty much an notice that you can now preorder a game. A game that has yet to tell what the heck it is.

Even if the show itself can be a bit over the line sometimes, I love the character. And how it portray situations like going in to a cafe as a young teenager for the first time alone, and try to make an not awkward order, is just as awesome as it is horribly relateable. It did make me view my teenage life from another


.. I’m not creepy, everyone else is just weird...

Talk? But it’s sooo scary! :(