I disagree, this game looks generic because its really bland unimagetive design rather than because of the materials its based on. Looking at the enviorments Ghost in the shell often had old traditional asian settings that mixed with all the high tech. It was this blend between old and new that made the world feel…
Naw, still not convinced. If the voices and that robot was removed i would’t be able to tell this was Ghost in the shell related. The gameplay just doesn’t fit the franchise. The design overall looks more like a colorless sequel to CoD: Advanced Warfare. I like the design less now watching the gameplay than the…
Awww, now I am sad! Thing is I been daydreaming about a FPS Ghost in the Shell game. But as an Perfect Dark inspired singelplayer game. This just doesn’t fit the franchise at all.
Games can be more than that! Games can be bigger than life and death! It can be about happiness and feelings, and female main characters!
Game of the year! Proof that games are art. The Citizen Kain of video games. Finally a game that made me cry. :’(
Its less about being factual and more about being respectful towards the subject and the people it based it on.
Urgh. This movie feels 12 years too late. We already talked about this, it was stupid, Jack Thompson was stupid, and BBC are stupid for bringing it up just as ignorant as it was back then.
I’m a fan of games that involves “flying” of sort. But makes it very skill based how well you fly. Like the Tribes game series or the early spiderman games. So I would love to see some sort of game mechanic which makes the “flying” as fun as it looks in the anime, and then design combat around that.
Thanks! Thats pretty reasonable. When I first read his comment I thought it meant SNP wanted to keep GTA away from Scotland or something that crazy. Guess I am just a cynical prick. :)
Whats the deal with SNP and GTA? I searched for it when I read your comment but didn’t find anything.
I found it when it posted by someone on Kotaku. But that was years ago. :)
In those games quicktime events works because they need to restrict the amount of actions from the player to be able to give the amount of narrative chocies they have. Quicktime events are an esstainal part of their design.
I honestly think the new design is an improvment. The old 3D sonic game was a mess of design, mixing cartoony furries, realistic humans, fantasy and futuristic themes, in a poorly thought out, incoherent world. In Sonic Boom all the characters seem to be out of the same cartoony world at least. Doesn’t excuse the…
I have mixed feelings about their games.
Watching it makes me think the whole fighting the Titan thing will be a bunch of quicktime events. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt this game has the development and budget a Attack on Titan game deservs.
Maybe they did. I always wondered what the deal about that is. I’ve been hearing Mass effects music in a couble of swedish tv show too. (Mostly from the first game though, which published by Micorsoft, not EA.) Always suprise me, but doubt all of them took it illegaly. Its pretty easy for them to get background music…
The DLC to Dark soul 2 makes the whole game better. It might be my favorit game when it comes to DLC because it improve a widly considered insuperior game in the series. With better designed levels, and more story.