Joakim Jonsson

I used to have a wonderful screenshot that became quite popular on the RP servers I played on that unfortunatly has been lost. (This was probably 12 years ago.) But it contained a conversation between one of my female characters and some random guy coming towards her that went something like this:

There is a certain truth to this. In my years playing good old Neverwinter Nights there where so many server that foucs on sexual stuff. And you gotta give those people credit for trying to make THIS erotic:

I actually think that stuff would be a very good thing team based sports like soccer basketball and stuff. At least in singelplayer. I always feelt it could be a more tatical part of them by managing the team. With buying and selling players, or moral dilemmas like what if you cought your top players doing drugs?

Well been listning to half now, and it’s pretty enjoyable. Good stuff.

All these modern video thingies are so confusing. Why not contain it in a video with a single frame looping and with text instead of spooken words?

Awwww. That really feel like deal breaker for me.

You’re just jelly!

Hope you are doing well Leo! Miss your stuff! :)

Oooh cool! Think of all the potential sponsorship for that season! (But not gonna drink anything cheap though.)

Well I just finished Until Dawns all quicktime events after an entire bottle of wine. When shall we book an interview? You guys provide the wine of course.

Maybe thats what they been doing and no one has notice yet?

Do the people who watch madden just pretend its actually a an real life match of yankee soccer?

-Thats completly riddicules.

Oh yes, “the backlash”, I shudder when I look back at those dark days at kotaku. How any of us survived is a goddamn miricle.

I was about to write that no one is named Nami in sweden. But using a quick search I found about 33 people named Nami, and most of them had it as a last name.

If you were at the final battle, and have yet to finish that after quite some time, I would just go ahead start play the second one. It’s not really a whole lot of the plot that matters after the final fight, (Spoiler, you win.) and no chooses to make of actual consequence. There is one choose that seem important back

Now playing

Sense I can’t get Metal Gear Solid quite yet I’ve been spending my time with weird this little indie point and click adventure game Fran Bow.

Blood magic! But he only use his own blood so it’s pretty safe.

So much this! I love Japan and would visit that country yearly if I could, but they really have to deal with their own violent history.