Joakim Jonsson

I like the idea of a completly new setting. Could make for some intresting story telling. But I really hope one character returns.

Its a damn shame, wanted this game to be good. I know that Avalanche has worked with it for a very long period. Its a pretty serious attempt to make something of the franchise, and it doesn’t seem bad, but just average. And when you have the same release day as Metal gear solid its hard not to choose the later instead.

Well Just Case 3 is made by the same studio, so they might forgive you then. Maybe.

Its like santa coming back, but he only brought toys for himself. Welcome back m8!

My reaction:

So the game takes place in England? I thought one of the excuses not to translate it would be that it would be the 1900sh japanish setting, that we none japan-people just wouldn’t comprehend.

Most Steam machines will be released at the end of the year. So it never was a thing. Yet.

I like how experimental Bethesda was with DLC during Fallout 3. They did this too with Oblivion but with less good results. Horse armor, and bunch small quests and items added that didn’t just feel they put much effort in. They made up for it with Shivering Isle that was more of traditional expansion.

I like to think I’m from Antartica. Did you know that a majority of the world has agreed to keep that continent away from all sort of national barriers? And anyone is allowed to live there as long as they respect the wildlife and the enviorment.

America was never that great. Sorry Trump, a wall is not gonna change that.

A pretty bold statement considering it already is the best selling entertainment product ever.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Xcom 2 isn’t a timed exclusive. No one is paying 2K to keep it only on PC, unlike Tomb Raider. It was developed and designed for the PC, with mouse and keyboard in mind, like a lot RTS and similar games are.

An emotinal guy.

Yeah, and I feel the meh was merited. One thing about the games marketing is that she has been really visible in it as a poster child in it just posing with a rifle. Which makes me a bit sceptical about Hideo saying her design is entirely for the sake of the plot.

I have no idea what to ask. What question do you really want to answer about the game, Jason?

I think I fell in love in this character right about now.

I feel like people didn’t buy my sarcasm. This is so sad. T_T