Konami will probably blacklist Gamespot for this. So sad.
Konami will probably blacklist Gamespot for this. So sad.
Good point.
I think Bethesda is better at easing you into it. The map fills up slower and it’s more limited with info, it’s what the locations names and where you are supposed to go for the next quest, thats pretty much it. While Ubiosofts games want show everything the game contains on the map and a lot of it is content that the…
The very big flaw with season passes. All fine if they when things are working smoothly. If not? Well though luck valued costumer.
Ubisoft has way of really scaring me away from their games by just looking at the maps.
It’s not possible anymore. Well it’s at least A LOT harder to pull of, the stress will kill your character.
I feel like what a lot of player is missing is that if the game is still developing it has to become unbalanced with new features at certain points. There has to be experimenting and testing. Heartattacks might be annoying at the moment, but I think few can deny it does keep the player for managing their characters…
Yesterday I had an occasion when two guys missed an enemy right in front of them, with 94-90% chance to hit for both of them. A mission later a rocket missed the enemy so badly (Also 90% chance to hit.) it instead killed half my team. I screamed so loud.
I’ve been replaying the game on classic with ironman on. It’s been a fun reminder how good the game is. And damn, it’s still a really good looking game on PC.
Glad to read its seems less of a horror game than the trailer makes it. Not that I dislike horror, quite the opposite. But horror in mental hospitals has been done so many times before. Overall I find it intresting to try tell history with games. However its easy to look at this game like “oh its one of those” walking…
Even if its just a trailer I feel like Ash Vs Evil dead has the right idea of making a similar character progress. A man still capable to kick ass, but viewed like an idiot by the rest of the world. I think a large problem with the humor in Forever was that the setting didn’t work. All this worshipping of Duke within…
I would rather say it’s more about how the game deals with community between players. Especially communication in games thats competitive player vs players. In a lot those games I would question the reason why there is an open chat at all, and we have seen a few new multiplayer games latly that doesn’t have an…
You know, even if there is still room for improvement, that more and more teenage girls does game today is a very good thing, and does show that medium progressing overall. And really, if you have any experiance whatsoever with kids that age today it’s not really that suprsing.
I personally feel buying or not makes no diffirence whatsoever. Konami is moving away from games at this size. A lost in sales will just make them feel better about it.
Yeah, with little effort it could be the most sinister game sense The Sims.
Keep fighting! I’ve managed to quit! Cutting of my hands hurt a little but I am finally happy.
I feel like am pretty open to most crazy things, but the “child kidnapper episode” doesn’t really make me catch an intrest watching the show.
It is a shame, it is a free game but clearly a lot of effort went into it and a lot of the core mechanics to make it something more tactical is there. It’s just no challange in it. I would honestly pay for a futher developed game.
It’s hard to keep the population at a level you yourself decide, at least it was for me, you get these daily quest that often wants you to breed more people. And I really want that lunchbox as an reward. Of course you could kill em by sending them to the wasteland, but I could never do that to Mr & Miss Snortpants…