Joakim Jonsson

I’ve been playing it on a good while on the ipad. Its a very nice well made game. Love the style and animation.

Oh I figured that it was easy. But the cold truth knowing your doing an illegal activity is bothersome too. It brings you down man! Its not like you would download a car, or a bear!

I didn’t even know pirating mobile games was a thing. Not that it suprise me, I just haven’t considered it. Seems like a lot of effort to save 3 bucks. Even if you download hundreds of games and install them its not exactly going to be quality time of trying them out.


Watching some of these GTA 5 videos with people playing as Franklin somehow has made him a more fun character than he was in the game for me. Its just something about how he walks up to a guy locked in a store just to tell em they suck that cracks me up. Guess the character just needed more humor.

Me too. Own it on Gamecube, might not have be Nintendos most money making console, but the fact I own Resident Evil 4, Wind Waker, OOT, Majoras Mask, Metorid Prime 1 & 2, and Twlight Princess has made it the one and only console sticked with me during a decade of lots of moving around in diffirent apartments.

This might be the first kickstarter I back in a while. Even if you could argue that they could invest in a sequel themself by now, they did in my opinion handle the first games development very well along with kickstarter. And it turned out to be one of my favorit games last year. So I got faith in these people.

Now playing

In my restless dreams, I see that game, Silent hills.

Now playing

There is a part of the games thats kinda like that. It also has one of the best tracks in the series.

But it was actually released in 2013, because games!

Playing video games you said? Its was obvious that this is going to happen sense we expose our kids and mental ill daily to this. This just can’t go on.

I should replay it someday just to see how it holds up. But it was an intresting moment in gaming for me. It was so unlike anything else I played back then. It wasen’t there to entertain me, rather to immersive me in a mysterious and somewhat intimidating world, for a little kid.

It’s funny how I try to think of games to add to the list. All I can think of are games that I played back during the 90s that Ia liked but that just haven’t aged well at all. It wasen’t like you were picky back then. Owell, heres my first own PC game ever that I got on my 9th birthday:

I don’t know what you are talking about Luke. If Nintendo made an phone I would totally buy it.

I think it’s just your friends actually.

Very few games graveyards makes me smilie as much as this one.

I would recommend just sticking with the main quest, and the companion quests if you unlock some. It’s where the more intresting events happends, when exploring the world it is easy to get lost in side quests thats honestly more fun doing after finishing the main story. The dragon fights are really intensive and puts

The day before yesterday I told a friend to stop hoping for more DLC, “waaay too long after release now“ I said so sure of myself I was.

Now playing

It would be at the very least nice to be able to revisit the game without having to pay for a new month. I would love being able to see how my characters looks after the new expansions and what has changed in the world. But it’s not something I’m going to pay just to check out and maybe quit right after.