Joakim Jonsson

It feels like Blizz been saying for a decade they want to make expansions more reguarly. Honestly at this point I feel that more frequent expansions will just dry the intrest out of the market even more. The costumer who buys them will compare them to expansions with longer development.

Starcraft is a great setting for a new mmo. But I think what will make people eventually play mmo’s at the same amount as wow is a game with completly new gameplay. Considering how expensive it is to make mmo’s that might take a while to figure out and invest in. Especially from Blizz, sense they are doing okay with

I doubt even a sequel to wow can meet the same amount of success. No one wants to reinvest the same amount of time and money in a new mmorpg. Heck there isn’t even any way for a sequel to have the same amounts of features the first game had with its 10 years of constant expansion.

Heres a small hoping they make this forgotten gem work on Xbone.

Having the game in early access on two platforms feels for me a bit weird. Wouldn’t that be a lot of extra development making sure the two version runs well during the development of the full game? Of course if the full game releases in early 2016 it wouldn’t really be a long early access on xbone.

Now playing

Not anyhing new but these claims are similar what was said in this video. A video that konami tried to remove from youtube:

I’m so glad I’ve finally stopped playing Fallout Shelter. It was a nice free thing, but I spent waaay too many hours playing it because I just wanted to do a “few addictive quests more” rather than actually enjoying it.

There is going to be a Silent hill version. Just you wait.

Yeah my thinking aswell, even if I want the other consoles too I haven’t really regretted buying a large pc. Even if cost a lot more I’m pretty sure I’ve saved money by now because the games are so cheap. The WiiU at least has stuff I can’t get anywhere else.

The honest answear. I’m not really one with a lot of money, and after I invested in a PC all money has gone to Gabe’s pocket. I might be getting a full time employment soon, and if that happens the WiiU is certainly a tempting gift to myself.

What happen to DLC with DA:I? It was a game a really I wanted more stuff in. And Bioware has delievered decent DLC in their previous games.

Thats a really good point!

Dude, I am already sold on the WiiU. No need to worry. :)

I’ve been jelly against people being a squid now, and then a kid now.

Don’t think Nintendo ever said it’s coming next year. And WiiU is so cheap now. And honestly I’ve been wanting to go back to Nintendo games for a while now, and support a company I like.

No, no, I promised myself I would buy a WiiU “someday”, don’t make this harder now.

We really need more spy-like FPS, I played the HD version of Perfect Dark a few months ago and I can’t really remember any recent FPS trying to do something similar. Some of Perfects Darks ideas of using gadgets, the mix between sneaking and shooting and the open levels, has aged really well.

The end of Ratatouille and Anton Egos speech is my beginning of Up. ;)

I recommend watching their documentary series they made at the same times as the game. It’s up free for all on youtube now. It’s a really well made documentary overall about game development, and it’s clear it wasen’t the easiest game to make in terms of.... “community feedback”.

Broken Age has had it fair share of negative backlash from the day they said they would make the game in two parts. Not to mention all the personal criticism towards Tim Schafer which gamergate had a grudge against.