I think Spirit Tracks is one of the best games in the series. (Although I feel like the only one of that opinion.) It really shined in characters, Link has tons of personality without letting it disconnect the player, and his and Zeldas friendship is well written and wonderfully animated. Overall it’s well excuted…
I did not see this coming. Everything about the game feelt like an attempt to cash in on the title only. I’m glad that it seems to be a good one.
I honestly don’t think Capcom would release any of the games outside of Japan these days if it weren’t for digital stores. So I’m glad they do.
Like all friends then. :)
I feel like the only person liking were this is going. But the trailers has hyped me up a lot. It feels like my kind of mix of old and new. I espically like that its seems like a AAA fps were movements matters. Way too many shooters these days are all duck and cover.
Wow, people argee with me on the internet. I’m gonna cry a bit now.
Nice article Jason! Got nothing else to add but a damn interesting read.
I hear ya. I think New Vegas pulled of a lot of what you asks for. I’m not sure if I would want that personally sense I am a fan of the world design in Fallout 3. I think in some level it’s hard to give an open world and also provide a large story that affect the world majorly. One thing I liked about fallout 3 is how…
What happened with obligatory snow level all games had to have?
After checking this article I was like “Okay, itäs time to get the PC version of New Vegas”, but then I notice the quakecon sale was no longer available. Damnit, why, Patricia, why I ask, couldn’t you posted this during the weekend? I would have been so happy. :,(
I’m not sure what exactly you wish for when you say “expand upon rpg elements.” Do you want it to feel more like survivor game similar to Stalker? Or do you want a more narrative driven approach to the world that I feel New vegas does? Like for example giving you more chooses how the story should play out.
I loved Dogmeat! He was the bestest of friends in his whole 5 minutes lifespan.
I think Fallout 3 is more focused on exploring the world by yourself, while New vegas gives a large main story that let you see a large part of the world by following it, and provided a lot of narrative chooses to the player that Fallout 3 really didn’t do much of in it’s main story.
The first time I played Fallout 3 I got so bored I stopped half-way through the main story and then never ever picked it up again....
But actually when I think of it. As much as I loved the old Silent Hill games, leaving the franchise and start a new horror game might be a very good thing for Del toror and Hideo. If it happens. It gives them more creative freedom to develop a story and setting they want to do.
I really hope it’s horror related. P.T was so darn good and deserves to be futher explored. It could have been it’s own thing because it wasen’t much that connected it to Silent Hill except the trailer at the end and a few hints.
Damn, I thought that was some kind of joke, but it is real.