you dont get to correct someone with bad grammar, get *HUGS
you dont get to correct someone with bad grammar, get *HUGS
Shut up and kiss me!
Thats an extremly skinny lion. I feel sorry for it.
You and I are one and the same.
Oooooh. That explains everything!
If they removed that I think there’d *MORE be riots in the apocalyptic streets ;)
I instantly started to sigh when I read about the coma theory. It always feel like the easy escape when try to tell stories like this. It kinda ruins the complexity of all the events. Especially in horror. Way to many horror movies enda with “You thought it was a real ghost? Suprise! it was all a dream! Wooooo”. Not…
I feel that your way of dividing the “good” and “bad” stuff is grossly simplified by what you yourself like, and not a dint of respect towards what other people might enjoy. I don’t see how what you like is less of “mass market garbage” than the stuff you dislike. Star Wars for example, great movies, but is an extrem…
It’s shame. The first game was really good, I’m still suprised how much I liked it. Considering it had terrible marketing almost only showing quicktime events and Lara Craft getting speared. But once you got started it had really great gameplay, I would say it’s the smoothest thrid person action game ever.
Because it’s something that we all goes through. People argued that Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles was giving children brain damage back when I was young, and I would say that a lot of the things I enjoyed was crap. I recently check on youtube an episode of Denver the last dinosaur, it’s complete garabage, but I loved…
Regardless how I feel about PewPewPie, I think this is article brings an intresting subject, lets players affect gaming today. Developers will try make games that appeals the format, and publishers will try make lets player choose their games, and as the article say it can make unknown indie games a big spotlight.…
Short answear: Hating the popular will always be a thing.
I thought it was a Destiny fansite, and previously a Anita Sarkeesian fansite, but always an Mike Fahey fansite.
Thats a very weird move. Sure, they don’t have to. But seem benefiting for them to strengthen Nintendos platforms. They gotta feed the monkey man!
Because in a lot of games is still a a huge rarity to hear a female vocie at all. Like some of my most played MP games Dayz, Counter-strike, the Halo series, it has just happen a few times in hundreds of hours playing. That doesn’t mean women aren’t playing but many choose to stay silent. So I would say that what you…
I really respect this version of Outset Island with added lyrics. Very fitting.
I wont lie. When I open up kotaku, And THAT image was on top with those holes as eyes looking at me, I got kinda scared.
It feels like one of those tactics that will be very hard to pull of if your opponent is aware of how it works. Like in this video he is already pretty damn close to winning the whole thing, so it feels like more like he is rubbing it in the other players face rather than out of necessity.
Tetris Ultimate is avaliable on PS4, xbone, 3Ds and Vita. Although all the graphics can be too overwhelming.