Joakim Jonsson

I think one of my oldest possesion right now is a gameboy color, and I only have tetris on it beacuse I have never taken out the cart in years. Regardless on how many apartments I move out and in from that thing has stayed with me. Unlike a lot of other things.

That makes so much sense when playing the game. It has so some weird shifts in levels and settings the game tries to joke around, which makes almost feel intention.

I don’t really see how how it’s “free for YU” matters, sense the argument was Sony showing the kickstarter makes it an investment from Sony in the project to Yu. Otherwise you bring up points that more or less possible. But neither of us actually knows. So I don’t really see the point in dwelling futher on them.

I see what the stars actually did when the game is done. ;)

Oh, but its not free PR. That Sony showed it on one of their most importants events of the year is an investment from Sony already. No idea how much money that kind of marketing would be valued. But considering how much spread the kickstarter got, and how many who choose to talk about it, I wouldn’t be suprised if

What you say might be true. But I have a really hard time believing that when the game was shown at Sonys own E3 press event. Which is an pretty damn important event. If they show something that wont be finish it’s a pretty big lost for Sony. So Sony has nothing to gain from this game unless it becomes succesful.

As much as I like the series, I never feelt like they ever had a good DLC. The story focused ones are short and never that relevant to the series overall story. Which is a shame, because playing as other characters than Batman is essentially enjoyable.

Honestly, as much as I want to see Shenmue 3 happen I rather back a kickstarter game that didn’t have a spot on E3 press show with a large game company beside them. I don’t fault anyone from doing it. But I personally use Kickstarter for projects like Darkest Dungeon which feels more believable would be hard to get

Thats okay. It’s only a trailer. :)

It’s a game whos introduction, setting and game mechanics me I fell for instantly. But the storys direction was kinda disappointing later on. But then, it’s not many games that actually makes me say that. So it certainly a interesting game.

Thanks for the comment. Now I don’t need to watch it. Recorded footage like this is always kinda annyoing anyway. Better wait untill I can watch a trailer in HD.

With his voice:

It’s more beautiful than I ever imagined!

An individual save file on Skyrim is about 4000-75000 kB. Which means you have probably over 100 save files on Skyrim at that your game. But to be fair, Skyrims UI design does make it smoother to create a new safe file rather than overwritting an old one which I can I agree is a flaw.

Michael Bay will find a way for me to hate it. The explosions will probably be sponsored by KFC.

I changed my mind! T_T

Someone needs to make a epic movie out of that story. With explosions and 3D rendered monster size Pokemons. Shame Christopher lee is no more, he would be the perfect bully.

Kinda expcted that, the HD that came with the first version of 360 became useless rather fast. I bought a new one when the expansion for oblivion came. :)

I think Mass Effect 3 does this very well. Which lets you saves as much as you want, but you don’t really have to because it auto saves often enough to never bother looking at it if you only play the game once. But if you keep a save file on a particular scene or mission to come back you, you can. It Also helps that

So why are there games like Skyrim and the newest Dragon Age that lets you have as many save files as you want? But sure, I would really like to know how much a save files size is on Batman.