Joakim Jonsson

What HD do you have? I have hundreds of save files from Fallout, Oblivion and Skyrim, and it’s my Xbox 360 hard drive is not even half full today, with 6-8 games installed. I would say saves files on games is a really minor concern on this generation of consoles.

It’s weird sometimes, we have this machine with it’s own gaint hard drive that takes more than thusands of PS2 memory sticks. Yet I can keep less saves files today than I could back then.

There will probably be a lot of info coming after the game is released.

I really tried to like the first Lord of Shadows, I have very little experiance with the Castelvania series, so a western develop game didn’t really bother me when I bought it. It’s on of those games where you respect the developer work but it in the end the overall experience was not enough to make me finish the

I would like to point out it would go against what Konami said about completly shifting over to mobile games. But I would find it likly anyway sense that game was made by another studio it would a more simple game to produce next time Konami wants to slap the Metal Gear title on something.

And while I flew over your wretched city, I spit you, Alliance scums!

Well I lost the will to eat anything ever again, thanks KFC!

Very few people in such high postions in this industry has had such a passion for games and the culture within it.

Hehe, so many options, but I honestly think none of them were avaliable to me during that time. We probably grew up in very diffirent situations. ;)

I have no idea where I would have gotten a map of the game during the early 90s. But yeah, the dam was simple once you learned it... Once you learned it that is.

I played the heck out of this as a kid. I think it was the first NES game I ever got for myself, the nes was mainly for my older siblings. I don’t think I have ever finish it. Considering how much time you can spend playing a game as a kid around 5-8 years old that says a lot. I probably knew a lot of the game inside

I just spent an hour watching videos from Untill Dawn, never heard much of that game before, it seem like decent horror game. What do you guys think?

Oh yeah! I saw that on E3, so excited! I love coop games! :)

Soooo, whats the status on Leo?

Studio Trigger might be my new favorit animation studio. The first film was amazing, and even if has it ups and downs I did largely enjoyed Kill la Kill a lot. It’s a big guilty pleasure when its so much fanservice in it.

I really like hint of the music at the end. I hope they stick to a soundtrack with similar ambient like Minecraft.

Honestly, me too for much of the same reason you stated. I think a good pokemon game would have borrowed lots of online features from Dark souls. Like you could interact and play with a lot of other players when you explore the world, buts its all optionable.

I think Lab Zero intentionally choose crowdfonding over publishers. They probably could have gotten one considering they actually made a succesful first game. But considering their success with crowfonding before its not a bad idea to try that again with a whole new game. Gives them far more of the profits for every

-I had this idea that Pokemon would make a great open world mmorpg.

The thing is Skullgirls was successful. Is one of the best sold games on PSN and Xbox Arcade. They just didn’t see much of that success themself due an twist between their publishers Autumn Games and Konami.