Yeah, overall that seems to be an old tradition among japanish developers, form a time when they had more money.
Yeah, overall that seems to be an old tradition among japanish developers, form a time when they had more money.
Part of the Konami madness of going all mobile games within a month, they spend so much money on an awesome game engie and it might only be used for 1 full Metal gear solid game, ground zeros and P.T.
Congratulations? :I
Nice article! I really enjoyed reading it, and feelt like a lot of pieces about the games development fell in place.
I feel like the spooken dialogues is completly unnecessary. It’s a noble attempt to have voiced player character but it just kills the mood when he comments things. . And not to mention the “I know your there” ghost lines which is quite silly. Overall I think the game sounds doesn’t do justice to the nice graphics.
Hi Richard! :)
Kinda like battlefield, but with dinosaurs instead of vehicles and you are always in the vehicles. ;)
I would really like to have more games in the warcraft setting overall. Singelplayer, story heavy ones. Be it an RTS or Dragon age inspired RPG. Like every time I see stuff from world of warcraft I wish the stuff I see was in a game I still enjoyed playing.
I always find it weird why so few games explores nature and playing as animals. There has been some, but it feels like it has so much potential for of crazy survival games and open world type games.
I’m completly in love in Marceline, especially in episodes with her and Princess Bubbelgum, they just compensate eachother so well. And a lot of the shows more interesting developments has been her releationship with the Ice king. I don’t really consider her edgy sense she one of the more emotional and down to earth…
Alien Isolation might be the best FP game I played in.... Well I have no idea! I just got so immersed in it, and the first few minutes I played I was just looking at things because I thought the setting so well designed. It does have it flaws, the crafting system feels pointless rather than just letting you get…
“I get it” and then again you writte something so far of on anything I said. Good day sir. :)
I can be wrong on this sense I am not a game developer. But from what I read AIs in games today aren’t that complex so they would be changed on diffirent systems. I have at least not heard of game that did it between xbox 360 and ps4.
Yeah, I’m not a fan of it either.
What do you think games such as Mass Effect or Pillars of enterity which is very focused on creating your own character? All the none combat interactions and dialogues in such games always feelt close to the adventure genre. You also did Deathspank recently, but would you go a step futher to create a game with similar…
Shameless fan to the rescue!
Thats such a humble reply, which you rarly get, but what I aspire to be towards people on the internet. Rock on dude!
You don’t even know what I am talking about. WHich part of my comment was mentioning graphics? Or was it unclear that I’m not really into old school FPS, something I stated exactly like that above?
It’s illegal.
Why do you make counter arguments to your own arguments?