Joakim Jonsson

The PC version on Steam is the pretty much same they sold in dvd boxes 12 years ago. So getting it working well with 360 controller might be some work. There isn’t going to be any official support for it. With that said the pc controls are adequate, and the game runs really well. Except that I had to turn of “HW

By the way now I started for some werid unknown reason play Beyond Good and Evil now and it had problem with flickering textures. But it was a common problem on new computers and it was easily fixed by switching of “HW Vertex Processing” in the advanced settings. When I did that the game ran amazingly. Pretty

The South Park game is good. Bought it a last month and I loved playing it. (I’m not a big South Park fan but I can watch it sometimes.) It’s short, but you can’t argue that they didn’t put a lot of work in the content that is there. I’m glad it gets a sequel.

I bought it now on the steam summer sale because its dirt cheap. If a sci-fi zelda/sneaking hybrid sounds appealing go right ahead and get it. Its personally one of my favorit games ever.

I just bought the original game on steam summer sale. Making it my fourth copy. I don’t own so many copies on any other games. Aside from the PC issues this game really has aged well. The graphics are lovly, the music and characters. I’m pretty sure I will keep replaying this game 20 years from now.

This game is starting to get me really hyped. I honestly didn’t enjoy the first game that much. But it had good ideas, and lots of potential for improvements in the gameplay. Removing the guns gives the game a much larger focus on movement and get close to your enemy, or fleeing, which feelt more inspirit for the

First person sarcasm?

If thats what bothers you than it isn’t really problem, because they actually just shoot you.

So true! I think this is an aspect the publishers and developers need to catch up with in when making games and marketing to PC. And just isn’t talked about enough within the communites.

I figured that out when I saw how well he/she was animated during gameplay. When the developers put up so much work on one thing their not gonna let you loose it after the first combat with a few raiders.

I would say its doing significantly better than Steam Greenlight. A service were a lot of the worst early access games comes from and that even Valves admit it’s flawed.

I would think future games will keep the title but the setting is very diffirent. Unlike a lot of games it’s pretty easy for Dark Souls to do just that. There isn’t any major characters or enemies is a vital part of the series. Except Patches.

Agree, and what Microsoft has that Steam needs above all else, is quality control. If they can hold a higher standard in the quality to the games in early access than Steam. Like avoiding clear bullshit games like Earth: Year 2066. It can be a good thing.

I started to Read First Strike, but it wasen’t for me, and this might be silly but I lost complete interest in books based on games. I feel games and franchises around games takes a big part of my life enough as it is. So reading books can be about other stuff. Although I probably gonna break that rule when I find a

Bandai Namco’s youtube upload of the trailer says it coming to PC aswell.

It’s also a damn good song. Makes me wanna go out and have a large demostration against something bad.

Now playing

GG, Kojima. Hope you find a place that values your years of work more.

As I read it. It’s not going to be “remastered”, just the original version running on an Xbox one. It might be slightly better looking and less loading times. But otherwise it’s the same. And that makes a lot more sense if both games comes for free with this one.

Indeed, personally Halo has always appealed to me by it’s gameplay and design. Story kinda went crazy for me after the first level of Halo 2. And that aspect didn’t do much for me in Halo 4 which I just thought was plain silly. Reach and ODST has it easier to deliver not just by letting go of Master Chief but they

I don’t think you need to worry. There isn’t any reason for Bandai Namco to make Dark Souls exclusive. I think we would only see at worst as a timed exclusive like the latest Tomb Raider if Microsoft or Sony payed a shittone of money.