Joakim Jonsson

I think the art direction look like a step up from Halo 4. Especially the Spartan armor design. Halo 4 armors feelt overdesigned, a bit too much going on that they never stood out. Halo 4 also had a lot of “flares” and weird lightning in all it’s settings that I feel has aged badly in a short amount of time.

This is how it’s done EA, Ubisoft and Activison. Right here.

I think thats everyones favorit part. Is intresting because it’s one of the seasons lighter moments, which I kinda think it needed more of to give the deaths more emotional weight it was after.

You’re not gonna get any hate.

That are so many games that really believes this and add in in level up system and upgrade system that does not fit in, and is frankly just lazy design when done wrong, that can damage the gameplay.

I actually never heard of it, but it made for an entertaining short reading on wikipedia. It’s intresting how many companies that tried getting into the industry without really having the money for it. But I can see it being more realistic for doing that back then, than today if some of the managed to get an appealing

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I like the time when the Phantom console was shown. For those who were too young or doesn’t recall. This was console that had been teased a good while by an overall unknown company called infinite labs. Because of that, and a long period of time of just rumours to go by It was pretty much consider a hoax that would

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Oooh I hope they add in Street sharks! Terrible cartoon, but the toys were awesome.

I can agree with it’s likly that they gave in to their own panic if they were freezing to death. Which probably makes you do a lot of crazy things. But it’s still weird how it affected the whole group. They had the equipment and the experience to survive the conditions, and its unlikly they all started to freeze to

One word: Yes.

That people take of their cloths when they are about freeze to death isn’t uncommon. Its an extrem case of Hypothermia. Which in short can be describe like when you are so cold it the pain makes it feel like your actually heating up. It leads to a lot of mental confusion which could describe the a lot behavior of the

Nope, actually it is for me. It’s good game, but.... :)

That seems like a very counterproductive way to stop playing the game.

An interesting idea. But I am not convinced the actual product will work as good as the trailer shows it. Hope they prove me wrong, but it just seem a massive amount of work to get there.

Patrick, this is completely unrelated to this article. But I stumble upon this older one you wrote. And I don’t know, reading it today just make me sad:

It’s a hell of a enjoyable game. But crazy addictive. After a while you play it for the sake of winning “just one more game” rather than enjoying it.

I wish I could block Hearthstone from appstore. I probably uninstalled it for the 10th time a few days ago. But now and then I’m a bit bored it installs itself on the ipad. I play a few hours, hate myself, and then uninstall it.

Hahaha, high five man!

I was thinking of “Strongbads cool game for attractive people”. I see now thats not a very long title at all. The pass me was an idiot.

And look at the grass! If thats in-game graphics thats some darn good looking grass.