I tell ya, they dont make em like they used to. *grumpy old man*
I tell ya, they dont make em like they used to. *grumpy old man*
Or course writting that I realized that thats pretty much what EVE does and it works alright. But then, EVE is a really slow, even by other mmorpgs standard, game that just isn’t for everyone.
Other games has played with such ideas like Entropia Universe, and it has never really turns out well. Its just so easily abused by players or bots, It requires an very dedicate cooprartive player base and some serious complex game design to make it work as intended..
Not something that would save WOW (It would actually just piss of people who still play it.) but one thing I’ve been thinking of with the design of the game is that perhaps flying mounts was a mistake.
They make areas feel desolated, and after they were introduced them out door events pretty much disappeared. Overall…
Reminds me of the text in Dead Rising. It was one of the first game I played that expected you to have widescreen tv, and back in 2006 I was still playing on the same fat TV my parents bought right after I was born. (Damn, TVs who could survive for almost 20 years.) All the text became pretty much unreadable. And all…
Its probably a fun game. People seem to enjoy it. You don’t really have any need to defend that towards me. But I feel the game makes a terrible first impression since so much is locked and I found it hard to determ what you can and can’t do without dlc. And if have just I spent money on a game, I don’t really…
Probably, but the games own meny does a pretty good job of saying otherwise. So many locked areas.
Trials fusion of always looks so intresting to try out. Then when you start it can’t figure out what you can and can’t do because you don’t have any of the dozens of DLC you quickly loose that intrest. Not exactly a friendly first date for new users.
Oooh, the pink grass expansion! I want it.
I’ve been switching from consol to fairly recently (LAst year.) and even though I am happy with the move I do have to say that PC is a bit more time consuming than consols. It’s a bigger learning curve and software to manage, especially if you want to actually want to enjoy things that make pc great like mods.
Kirk is the best looking man there is. Case of point:
Don’t be such a douche.
All good looking men screams “Douche”. Damn their good looks.
It is delightful to see that Microsoft more and more brings people who actually cares about games in to their top positions.
And I got a large respect for Casey Hudson.
Yeah I know. It’s prefectly understandable that they make a film a “origin” story. But there is just so many characters not present in that time. (Although she can certainly make a cameo, if they bring in the elfs in some form.)
That looks really nice! I like how expressful the face is, there is personality there. Which is going to be super important if any none-warcraft players is going to have any sympatised for the Orcs.
I enjoyed this episode more than must of season 5 so far. It feels like the show has lost more of the crazier episodes I enjoyed it for originally.