I never used Ebaumsworld because I heard early they were stealing content from the creators. But Newgrounds was of the sites I used aswell. It was in many ways superior to Albinoblacksheep (At least if you ignored the animal porn that advertised it back in the days.) but Albinoblacksheep had it’s charm, or maybe the…
Only missing Cave Johnsons soothing voice.
Albinoblacksheep. :)
I don’t even know what Puzzles & Dragons is. Me so silly. :(
I think it was my lack of discipline that made me draw. School gives you pens and paper and expect you to pay attention and take notes. Crazy.
For a moment there I assumed you killed a stripper.
1710 hours?
Its people like you who will survive the zombie invasion.
Recently I tried to apply to a RP server on dayz. Sense its dayz they are super strict on who to let in, so its a lot of stuff to fill in, read all the server rules and answear questions about them. First application took me around two hours and it feelt like applying for a job.
From my experience it wasen’t because of a lack of moment. But because during a hectic combat it feelt like some hits didn’t do any damage and the hit detection feelt of, leading to you taking damage even if you rolled away. ( I haven’t played this for a good while so I could remember things wrong.) Perhaps I am to…
Online conversations? In GTA?
Any chance of a more detailed article of this game later? I’m tempted, but the constant comparison to Ico might make me set the bar too high.
In a nice world developers who made Bioshock should be allowed to make any damn experimental little game that they damn please.
I’m hoping this will be the Witcher game I and actually plays more than 3 hours. The first two games are appealing, but the first one crashed often on my computer and the second one I just didn’t get into. Fun story, but the gameplay, especially the combat feelt unresponsive and just didn’t make me enjoy playing the…
I first saw the video on youtube website since it came up on the subscribe list. I had no idea what was going on. But watching Mike talks is fun. More.
I’m more like that with animals. For some reason killing animals just feels more real. And I hate the sound they makes in pain, especially dogs. In dayz I have let my character starve to death, instead than killing an animal for the meat. I’m not much of an animal activist and do eat meat. But just something about…
I think Bioshock 2s MP had a lot of good ideas. Like how it was telling a seperate story, and how one player became a big daddy. But I played it for only an hour.
Hello! Thanks for taking the time!
You have worked on a lot of singelplayer focused games. These days it feels like a lot of games has to have multiplayer of some sort. Have you ever feel forced to add it? Do you rather focus all resources on a project to make a good singelplayer? I’m thinking of mainly of Bioshock 2…
I personally think Bioshock 2 had the most enjoyable gameplay among the 3 games. It had a good mix of enemys, better than Infinite in my mind, and the duel wield really did make me switch between powers, melee, and guns a lot more than the first game.