Joakim Jonsson

It could also be that a low number of well crafted games on smart phones could gain peoples intrested in getting a Nintendo platform more than it would if they filled the stores with old ported games. Like they make a Pokemon themed game that comes with info about new releses on Nintendo platform and bonuses. The

As a guy who do enjoy playing Dayz: Well done.


The one thing that made me react in this article was reading Bobby Kotick. Damn that was a long time ago.

I think the point of it being confusing for people unfamiliar with Silent hills is fair. But they can easily fix that by adding a note in the games description or patch it. Removing the game that was liked by a lot of people should be the last thing they should do. I would easily pay for it. I payed for Stanley

This is not about what AAA games konami could have made. Its completly understandable that Konami moves on to other this. But to completly remove PT, and make it impossible for anyone to play it. Is unnecessary, and disrepectful to its creators and fans. PT was a great game by its own right. It deservs to be rembember

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Well to be honest. Konami didn’t take away Silent hill from team silent. Team silent left konami. And konami didn’t really seem to care about keeping talent. I saw this interview with the voice actor of James from Silent hill 2 where he mention it at 24:30. He pretty openly says it kinda sucked to work there.

THIS. PT is a fantastic game on its own right. Its among the last years best. For any other entertaiment company it would be a badge of pride. Like winning an oscar for best short film. But Konami wants to delete all traces of it. It just feels like such an insult to the creators and anyone who enjoyed the game.

I would argue against that and say: Don’t pay for early access for what is promised at all. Pay for what it is given at the moment. I enjoyed games like Dayz and Darkest Dungeon (And Minecraft during alpha/beta.) because even if they are unfinished, what is done is still make them an enjoyable game. Paying for

Even if I think the Gamecube is the best looking, I got to mention playstation 1. When Sony released their first consol it feelt like every compeditor tried to design a consol that appeals to children. And since it was such a success it feelt like it influenced a lot of other consols after it.

Xboxs design feels like an bad attempt to appeal to an audiance it doesn’t understand at the time. It’s smell of “cool teenage boys”. The large X (XTREME) and the green loggo reminds me of a lot of childrens toys during the 90s. Microsoft got better at this, and I enjoyed owning the first xbox overall.

As crazy as things are right now, shouldn’t you add a “(Yet?)“ in the title, Patrick?

It was also the game of the fucking year. In my humble opinion.

I was one of those who createf a PSN avcount just to have this on redownload when i eventually get a ps4. But I kinda knew it was not going to be that simple, Konami being Konami.

Actuall functionable clothing is really underrated.

Oh kewl! I can’t wait! :)

Avalanche has always had a team working on it. I respect that 3 years of silent might make you uncertain, but that was years they were making the game, making a game takes time. Mad max started around the same time and it too had gameplay shown just recently. Also i could have told you back in 2012 it was not going to

Eeeh, noooooo. Hell no. Not even compareable in any regard. Just Cause 3 has had a smooth development. Just cause 2 was a success and given Avalanche the chance to take time in making the next game. Like every sequel to a good game should have. (Also I happen to know someone inside the studio, and a lot of developers

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There was this video. But it has never been confirmed to be offical. But consider the quality.... Ubisoft has also shown tech demos of the engine with assets that has been assumed to be parts of the game. But nothing as spectatular as this video. And a few concepts arts has been shown.

I seriously doubt it’s gameplay. But it could be scripted sequences with the game engine they had made for the sequel, working as a concept of what the gameplay would look like.