Slim Snerdy

I want Wario 64.

Say what you will about MGS2; but damn. That opening with the cigs, the Gregson-Williams buildup, rain effects that still hold up to this day, and that dive. That dive. One of the best openers in video game history.

Also I bet you own all of these; being a Nintendo historian and all. Well, a video game historian. =P

Is the 2DS considered a bad redesign? Your call. I think the greatest redesign (most influential) was the GBA to the SP.

Kinda odd. Why did Sony release 2 and not the first one? Just bizzare haha. Bundle it or something at least.

We need Ape Escape 1 on PSN.

Good stuff Z.

Thank you Kirk for posting images of my GOTY of 2014 and one of the best games this gen.

I promise to bring back Raptaku if hired. In honour of Yannick. Also I will tie video games and Drake (the rapper) in creative new reads.

Dude. Best of luck. Mario Maker misses you!

Is that official art up at the top? Looks beautiful.

Power through man. The game was most impressive.

Yeah but the Sonics won 2 games.

I meant who is Narelle and what have you done with Z? =P


Listening to it now. You bested my Yoshi’s Story knowledge.

Wave Race 64. The 2nd game I got for my N64. Fantastic inclusion. Speechless really.