Slim Snerdy

Keep gaming. And your mix is diverse and all over. I have a tradition to get all the hearts.

See that’s the thing. It will feel like “not a video game” for me if I remove myself from the world and start using paper and pens (will remind me of school). Interesting game design choice to be honest.

Serious. Great playlist. Duck Hunt stands out nicely. And the BIG ONE. Twilight Princess. All hearts?

Vita love.

Big Braid fanatic here. I passed on The Witness for now, but I know it is gonna be another bullet point in “Games As Art” discussion. One thing that slightly deters me from The Witness is the way a lot of people I heard played it; actually using paper and pen outside the game’s mechanic. I know the developer (Blow)

Also I think Final Fantasy is going to come back with bang. I can feel it. Also, I never played an FF, but do respect it immensely. One day?

Z, you postin’ brilliant art that is from the GOTY so far. DOOM.

Did you play on crushing at least? I have a buddy that loved the series so much that he would always play on crushing and it was so fun to watch how much stealth had to be utilized. I tried it but it slowed the game down to a crawl for me. I prefer to watch people play crushing as I can lose patience.

I had Tron Bonne + the Mega Man Legends 2 demo disc in mint complete shape at one point. Not sealed though.

I have sealed copies black label copies of Tony Hawk 1 and 2. I have thought about opening it.

And hey.. what happened to Z?

I am going to keep throwing you bait so you can keep saying that over and over until it gets seethed into my brain. Actually, the game kinda did that but I love that line!

Thanks for saving me time with the spoiler mention. BUT I wanted to read this =/. I can’t even read the Uncharted 4 thing you wrote. So behind!

For 1. Billion. Dollars. They just might.

Box art of the year award. Jokes aside, these 2 games absolutely rocked. I think I liked City a tad more.

Also this game is using a new engine, Unreal 4 to be exact. Make of that what you will.

I think only 2 genres firmly improve with 60 fps. First person shooters and racers. Everything else is gravy. Pretty much vehicular stuff too (Star Fox).

Good to see Arkham Knight improved after that debacle. Now all I need is a good sale to jump on it!

I remember the day I bought the original Titan.

And then Steam