Slim Snerdy

Seriously. Down with rubber.

As a Jeep owner I agree. Make America Jeep Again.

I felt the health bars can also be distracting as in your eyes are going to be darting to look directly at the bar rather than on the target. I did this a lot in BioShock.

These screenshots you put up are giving me a hankering to play this. Actually looks good visually. I bought it just to support the IP. I too want Duke to come back, but only if they consult with Doc or the Doom guys.

I can see it now. Your struggle to name the GOTY. DOOM OR FORZA.

I really want to watch this and discuss but yeah I want everything a surprise. I was let down with the high hopes I had for Skyward even though it had high merits: art direction, dungeon puzzles, story/lore (especially on Zelda herself). The largest flaw in that game was exploration was very articial (only 3 main

Yes, I too am on a Zelda blackout of sorts.

Shapes are important for visual design. I can never forget using the flamethrower on these badboys from Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

Man do I want Combat Evolved on PC again. The original one would suffice. I think Uncharted 3 did have slightly more unique enemy encounters on that brutal cruise ship level. They were padded/armored to hell and back but that’s all I remember for variety.

I almost spat out my tea at mech suit. You win.

Thanks for saying you loved HL1. As did I. But I think Doc also knows I never “beat” the game. Stalled on Xen and never went back unfortunately.

Fabulous work Doc! Kotaku is the big leagues. I remember seeing your old avatar here before I became a commentor. I miss that pic (it was a graphic novel or something).

I do have it. I heard it was as close to Wario 64 as we can possibly get. Or Luigi 64..

Hmm yes. Super Mario Galaxy. Man. Both 1 and 2 were 10. But then again Super Mario 64 was legendary too.

I have been succumbed to being too busy. =/

This read was fab; also love the art assets you used. So much nice!

This guy wins.