
LiAngelo probably thought the shopkeepers would be just like LaVar and not pay any attention to him.

If you are against the kneeling, you are an uneducated (perhaps willfully, on this topic) bigot.

So now I’m confused. Am I supposed to eat Papa John’s or not? On the one hand, I despise racists, on the other, I despise inedible food. What’s a man to do?

Could you please tell me what song you are singing? Thanks!

Great Read!

If you were more diverse in your choice of video entertainment, you’ll find that there are plenty of black guys inside cougars.

If the only black guy at BYU who’s not on the football team thinks he can hide inside a cougar costume, he’s pleasantly mistaken.


I personally don’t understand how any veteran could reasonably take someone kneeling for the anthem or flag as a sign of disrespect, it just doesn’t make any sense to me at all.

What did all those generations of American soldiers die for since 1776 if not for a rigid suppression of dissent and absolute loyalty of all citizens to federal power?

Now playing

He’s the guy in the video who can’t stand respectfully for 1 minute during the anthem...on Memorial Day no less.

I agree with your first sentence. After that it gets a little murky. But focusing on that first thought, I’ve long believed for penalties like this in football and hockey too, if you commit something like this that is so flagrant, and penalized as such — targeting — penalties in games suspended should only begin

When it is this dirty, this deliberate, the player who did it should receive more consequences than ejection from the game. It may well have been a deliberate move to injure the quarterback enough to remove him from the game, and to me that is criminal assault. Looking at the victim, stumbling and confused, you

“huh...I think I’ll go over there now”

Don’t take this as anything but advice - but either 1) buy bacon from the butcher shop in the amount you know you will consume; 2) make the whole package and chop & freeze the rest - great salad or pizza topper; or 3) make it all and give it to a friend/neighbor.

...especially when you don’t use the whole pack?

Yup. Somebody swore by it, so out of desperation, I tried it.

Still makes a wonderful base for bbq.

Good gravy people when are you going to stop looking for “magic weight loss” solutions. The only way to do it is to change your eating habits and exercise. The majority of weight loss is going to come from your eating habits, loss from exercise is going to level off at a certain point.

Hot ham water.