
Oh, absolutely. I am hating him intensely as I sit here.

Am i still allowed to hate Curt Schilling?

As someone with a vegetable garden who skeeves out when the tomatoes start getting torn apart by flies, I shudder to think of how disgusting that place is after those sugars have been baking in the sun for a few hours. When you combine that with all the hipster sweat it seems like my personal nightmare. I’d rather get

“Excuse me.”

Lobster is murder tasty tasty murder.

No other comments needed. Shut this Kinja down.

Fucking moron.

Costco’s Kirkland-branded EVOO: great taste; amazing value; and tests show that it’s one of the few brands sold in the US that consistently meets the IOC/USDA definitions for “extra virgin”. It’s not as good as the stuff my uncle makes in Lebanon that I pack in my suitcase every time I visit, but that you can’t really

Costco’s Kirkland-branded EVOO: great taste; amazing value; and tests show that it’s one of the few brands sold in

I’m brand new to Deadspin and the other comments make me feel pressured into calling Chris a dirtbag. Am I missing something? I won’t call him a dirtbag, but I WILL say that his method is pure genius.

I’ll fight you.

Whoa whoa whoa, Michael. Settle down.

You’ve never been more wrong in your life.

Counterpoint: Fuck you, Chris.

No, you’re wrong.

This is the worst take and you should be ashamed.

The bigger issue is that he’s wearing a fake tail fin. If I were the shark, I would call for an investigation into what other cheating was going on.

The ongoing furor in response to Michael Phelps not actually getting into open water with a great white shark to race side by side is the dumbest and most hilarious in recent pop culture history. And it’s continuing! Hallelujah.

He did his fucking ten years, what the fuck do you want? Where's your fucking decency?

You went somewhere, anyway.

Really enjoyed your article, Daniel. I was a health professional in a men's prison in Australia, and people are always curious about this aspect. They never believe me about the infrequency of nonconsensual sex. I will direct people to this article.
Good luck with your memoir!