
@TheGreenMan: See now you're just augmenting your argument whenever I raise a salient point.

@TheGreenMan: 1) If he is not in shooting range of said maniac he can easily remedy that by using his God given legs to move into range. If he is the only one on the scene with a gun then I think that would prove my point that if there were even MORE guns (ie. more people who also could have engaged the maniac) then

@TheGreenMan: Oh yeah, the situation could really have escalated past the 19 intentionally shot.

@Anselmo: Of course they are not going to state it plainly like that. They will get immediate resistance if they try to.

@Koztah: Jeez I had heard about that story before but didn't think it was true.

@Jamesbiff: Our compensation culture is worse in different ways than in other countries. No dispute there.

@Vilhelm Smari: Actually my point was to premptively stem any rara one country vs. rara another country mentality by pointing out another country's atleast equal level of stupidity in its criminal system.

The political left is using this as a pretext to forcibly remove firearms from people under the irrational belief this will actually curb gun crime. This is pie in the sky nonsense that has been flatly contravened by both logic and statistics. They are also using it as a means to disparage anyone who they define as

@Jamesbiff: Yeah, until the criminal successfully sues you for assaulting him despite the fact that he broke into your home.

@MrMrScott: The DS has a lot of point and click adventure games?

@Armagetiton: Because clearly Kalashnikov made a profit from it, having produced it for communists who simply declared it state property anyway.

@GM_Pax: I was more curious if they were using chrome (which I spelled wrong) plated AK's.

.......are the chinese in that image carrying cromed AK's?

"Gameloft is smart for identifying a market for these titles on mobile platforms, has been hugely successful in doing so and, most importantly, has won itself a large fanbase of people who appreciate the fact these clones let them play some semblance of a franchise that would otherwise not be available on a phone."

Next we'll see VO2 max gauges and strained muscle indicators. Jeez louise this is just gettin too bloody complex now.

For God's sakes just look at his face in this pic.

is he strafing while aiming down the sights?