
Sadly this does seem to be the case. I mean I knew that was effectively what I get from Gawker and Jezebel and Gizmodo, but usually io9 and kotaku are much better at reporting on their segments strictly.

I'm sorry but this explanation makes no sense.

Right....which is why the correct path is to blame the markets? Again I do not see why the markets should be vilified in this scenario. THE STATE is the bad guy here. If all it did was run the cops and the courts under strict contract terms there would be no problem. let me see if I understand this correctly. You're saying that because the State allows private parties to use the state's monopoly of force to enrich themselves....this is the fault of the market? This strikes me as backwards reasoning. The state is the enabler here; the state is the problem. let me see if I understand this correctly. Because the current regulatory environment favors 3rd-party payment of service (which is the underlying cause of everything you just wrote about)....we need to solidify 3rd party payment by making the state the ultimate buyer? You'll forgive me if that sounds logically

"The study looked at both non-profit and for-profit health care providers, and focused on six areas that the WHO deems important for healthcare: accessibility and responsiveness; quality; outcomes; accountability, transparency, and regulation; fairness and equity; and efficiency."

"The point of for profit systems is efficiency to maximize profit."

Not the way it was handled in the anime. is the plan to tell the Egg of the King arc in the films and then continue the rest in a new anime series? The 1997 anime was one of the best I'd ever seen (with the exception of the conclusion episodes).

.....or they could just force SWAT teams to adhere to not-shitty standards of sufficient cause before they start breaking into peoples homes unannounced without bloody warrants.

1. Then feel free to simply be ranting instead of addressing genuine issues.

"First, warmistas?"

"I chose them because they make shit-tons of money. Seriously. The oil and NG peeps were chosen as the other side of the climate coin. "

As to the first part: Give me a break. You chose investment bankers and natural gas guys. those 2 groups are universally implicated as "bad guys" in the press. investment bankers are constantly implicated in the financial crisis (despite evidence showing that hey simply acted on government policies) and natural gas

"Those scientists, always pulling the wool over our eyes, in order to rake in all that money. Climate-change scientists make the real money, not those investment bankers or those oil and natural gas companies!"

That list really needs to be rounded out with some good non-fiction that might actually get you to re-evaluate your worldview.

Yeah the Firefly opening was really good.

That show was just great all around.

I've seen the compromises of the last 5 decades that our 2 "great parties" have given us. I would rather have unshakeable gridlock. The compromises of yester year are the primary reason our country is practically bankrupt. Our politicians "compromises" on various ill conceived pay-as-you-go social programs and now

1st of all...."I don't like the utter disrespect that goes on in our politics—it diminishes the process, the office and the nation." Do you really believe that statement? Do you honestly believe that THIS is what diminishes the process and the office? Not the absolutely atrocious and morally repugnant policies and