if only natural selection didn’t involve collateral damage.
if only natural selection didn’t involve collateral damage.
This is the equivalent of putting a duster on a nerd and sending him to the bar to get laid....that is all.
Calling a V8 classic Aussie Holden a “Pick up Truck” is technically correct but still clickbait, nonetheless.
I’d like, if so possible, to challenge her to a pokemon battle. My Onix vs her Squirtle...and I hope she wins.
Once I learned that a teacher’s pay was related, even indirectly, to their student’s test scores and that grading on a curve was basically the teacher sacrificing student’s education for their monthly paycheck, which barely made ends meet anyway,...........I learned a great deal about America.
lol this whole thing was just teenage body language.
“at the end of eight years...” Of course, he expects to get re-elected.
thats nice and all but how do I change the back tires?
I usually talk shit about the series but this is pretty dope. Dom being the antagonist was really unexpected, actually.
only 3 stars? People really don’t watch R&M like that..
Only place I have ever crowd surfed at? Thats right, Bible camp.
yea, its gonna be hard to beat this one.
She doesn’t really have an ass so how allegedly guilty is he, really?
Its funny, I clicked this video only to compare it to this one.
it was at 3:58 that I realized this was a “God is my straight savior” story. It was heart warming up until she acknowledged it as a problem.
God I’m so tired of Amber Rose’s shaming bullshit. Just because you look and act like a whore doesn’t make you one. But she doesn’t seem to realize that actually being a whore does make you a whore and people are entitled to treat you like one.
Its certainly no grammy winner but I’d watch it...not paying to watch it but you know.
This comment made my day.
How did the women who work at Cosmo let this happen?