
Eh, it makes business sense. They want to get their biggest whales on to the next generation, as they’re the ones that will have the biggest impact on revenue by buying more games, DLC, subscriptions, etc. It also ensures that the purchasers are more likely to be genuinely interested in owning and engaging with a PS5 a

I disagree. If they sell the console for MSRP to a scalper who sells it for double, they get MSRP in revenue.

If they sell the console to a normal customer for MSRP, there is also a chance that the normal customer will buy accessories and games which will give them additional revenue.

I would argue that Ajay is still a “fish out of water” in 4 considering he didn’t grow up in Kyrat and has almost no memory of it and in 5... do you know how big the United States is? Someone born in california may as well be a foreigner to someone in montana considering the VAST cultural differences. Each state is

As a Destiny stan, I will tell you it is an incredibly stupid content model.

If you have enough friends to play along with to fill a fire team, then Destiny 2 is a great game. My friends mostly dropped out, so doing the higher level end game content became out of reach for me which is why I eventually dropped out as well.

Despite what the Destiny stans may tell you, it is an incredibly stupid content model whose only redeeming quality is that it keeps the install size lower. This ignores the fact that there are other MMOs out there that exist on consoles that retain all the content they’ve released over the years while continuing to

I don’t play Destiny so my opinion is worthless, but isn’t charging full(?) price for DLC that will disappear soon pretty scummy? How does Destiny’s f2p model work if the old content isn’t included in the free deal anyway?

It is the most hilariously overdesigned piece of console tech I’ve ever seen and I am HERE for it. It’s like if Audi made a console. It’s like if Frank Lloyd Wright took a stab at an Apple product. The fucking thing has FINS for crying out loud! The only way it looks even more ridiculous is if it could do 0-60 in 9

Fuck this headline. I love it.

Not all, but most for sure. It’s certainly not out of the ordinary, and I’d expect that a decent chunk expected it. Although, I’d also expect that the ‘Beta’, open and closed, gave some a false sense of hope.

If it were up to me, all fairly open world games would allow any living thing to be killed... whether it’s a child, a dog, or a bug. Sure, some people will just be dicks and kill everything, but as someone who doesn’t enjoy killing innocent things, I like the idea of having to worry about collateral damage in battles.

My ability to complete (not 5 star, just complete) Metallica’s “One” on Expert in Guitar Hero got me laid. We eventually got married. We have a two year old daughter. Life is good. Miracles happen.

I stared at that photo forever. I miss my dog. Dogs are the best.

You can certainly make a game that looks and feels AAA on 72k. Don’t be ignorant.

So calling someone a retard or a fool because they believe Woolfe had a chance kind of makes you an asshole.

Lol....what’s your GT and console? Just wondering cause I remember being brutally murdered over and over again by a “Slider” in PvP one day...may not have been you but now I have to know. XD

bro, get more dps on the girlfriend before she hits enrage timer



When I was 7 my dad gave me a compound bow and arrows and set up a target in the back yard. While it was made for a kid it had all the ability of killing a person or blinding them etc.