They don’t have the time to explain why they don’t have the time to explain.
They don’t have the time to explain why they don’t have the time to explain.
If they do it for Geralt though, they’ll have to add in the frank and beans, according to other videos.
Can I make Roach an actual Roach! Or better yet Vernon Roach.
Ok that’s a lie. No one ever gets good drops for doing well in Crucible.
Ran my first ever VoG HM a couple weeks ago, got Fatebringer.
Do a sort of blind auction at the end. Everybody calls dibs on what they want and then a mixture of RNG and preferences divvies it up. If two or 6 people all want the same thing, it’s a dice roll. If everybody can make nice and talk about what they want, you all pick something different and get what you want.
That’s an interesting idea! Could be tricky to implement and lead to all sorts of conflict, but it’d be great for dedicated raid groups. Few things worse than watching your raid buddy get his third fatebringer when you still don’t have one. No one feels good about it when that happens.
Maybe not a trade thing, since it takes a good portion of the point of the longevity out of the game, but I think a strike or a raid should come with an option to share the items. Like, we found a chest and it has 1 gjally, 1 set of armor, 10 shards... and we can then divvy up the items as we see fit. This allows for…
So are the Fallout games, with the added benefit of the series still living.
As an awful gamer, it’s just a matter of learning to work with objectives.
See, right now I’m playing A LOT of Destiny and TF2. I’m afwul at going 1-on-1 in any game (I pretty much throw myself at other people’s guns I can’t help it), so what I do is I focus on ojectives I can do.
Not one Triple-A game in the past four years has shipped without some gigantic shitstorm following the weeks after it hits shelves. Not a goddamn one.
Every game ever made has bugs that affect gameplay. Is your standard seriously that a game has no bug that affects the game? That’s a literally impossible standard.
For some reason the novelization says that. The game, though, mentions nothing about it and he definitely doesn’t have a desert eagle at the start of the game.
You do know that if a remake is being made, it wouldn’t be announced until at least 2 years into development, right?
Let’s talk about how Black Hammer has basically been nerfed into oblivion. Spider tanks everywhere are rejoicing.
It doesn’t make sense for Superman to be buff. What does he lift when he works out, planets?
One could argue Superman similarly doesn’t actually need a buff body, since his powers are based on solar powered cells. And if Amazons created her out of clay, it would be odd making a female form that wouldn’t at the very least have the body of a WWE Diva.
Depending on the origin she’s either a demigoddess or a clay figure brought to life by magic, so maybe physical conditioning reacts differently to her physiology. We’ll go with that.