
So, Patricia, I guess you'll do an off-topic now that the show ended?. I know that after 8 seasons the show grew a little tired, and that Breaking Bad finale is the big boss this year, but... c'mon is Dex!

Ok I'll take your word on that, after all I'm too lazy to reinstall Rage just out of curiosity and there is this "GTAV issue" I have this weekend, so...

i never had any graphical issues on my PC version, and yes the open world wasn't interesting, but it had solid FPS mechanics and the fights were very satisfying.

Well it could go either way. On one side you could argue that getting GTAV on the upgrade program could sound like loosing $50 bucks per copy, but on the other hand those who already played the game for 6 months might not be interested in paying full price for upgraded graphics and a couple extra features.

OK, I know this is not an id game, but isn't that pretty much what id did with Rage?. I mean, I know Rage had its problems but it was a pretty solid FPS, and a good looking one too.

Now MS is denying us our God given right to express our masculinity through phallic totems!

Hmm weird I got mine since 2007 and all my discs are intact.

I do, but I don't live in the US so there are many reasons why I do it.

Add Lara Croft's TressFX hair to the experimental list.

Yes, but he knows nothing.

Exactly, and while many games don't take full advantage of the PC capabilities that means at least that we can play at higher RES/FPS.

OK, it seems I'm more than fine on the specs side, the skill side however will need a lot of work.

Well Im an AMD guy, but the info @pongsifu gave me made me feel better 'cause I seem to be way above the recommended specs.

How demanding is spec-wise? I've heard that ARMA games can be very demanding and I dont know if is worth playing a shooter where is already very hard to spot the enemy crippled with a low resolution... specially when you can get suppresed or killed so easily

Oh well Im just talking about the multiple PS3 players complaining about corrupt saves and the clear problems with the DLC. I learned a long time ago that Bethesda games are meant for the PC, the community makes everything better from mods to patches.


Oh absolutely!, fun is the key word here. And while I acknowledge the fact that you simply cant be as precise with a game-pad as you are with a mouse, I appreciate the fact that I can play in my living room laying down.

I know, but The extra 8GB were a gift from a friend and who can say no to some extra RAM right?.

PC is a seems like a good choice for me right now, especially on multi-platform titles. Keep in mind that I'll get a PS4 at launch (have to import it 'cause local price is $667 USD!!!).

Well it sounds weird, but there's a reason: I got married and had a 4-5 year "bump" in which I was more of a console player, so when I got back to PC gaming I was a mess with KB+M. I felt so frustrated and initially played with a gamepad and actually got better K/D ratios, so I got better with the mouse and that made