
Nope, not anymore. After more than 2 decades playing on PC, and moving my gaming rig to the living room M+KB only goes on FPS MP, RTS, MMO and Sims (SP or Co-op FPSs get 360 gamepad). Every other genre: sports, racing, action adventure, TPS and RPGs I play with a gamepad. Oh and full controller support is actually a

Sometimes, Sony Latam has a pretty much "in your face" tone here when it comes to mass media (POP and BTL are different), but there are other brands who work with more original and creative concepts.

Hmm, wierd I find it of poor taste unfunny and lazy, I'm from Colombia.

Nope as someone who works on marketing for the biggest newspaper in Colombia I have to say this is just poor advertising.

Well you could never take True Blood too seriously, but the past 2 seasons were not the best for me because of what I consider pure lack of originality and balls on the writting department... I might get into some SPOILERS now so I hope you're up to date here, I'll try to be as vague as possible but you know how this

Oz is still one of my favorites after all these years. Boardwalk Empire and Mad Men are great with maybe a couple WTF?! episodes. The Walking Dead and True Blood had very good starting seasons but somehow declined over time. And GoT... well I have mixed feelings about that one, but I know is just me.

You're absolutely right, but hey! its the internet, so anger, entitlement and biased judgment are in the top spot of the buffet. Also, I get that people might feel angry because somebody pirates a game they paid for (its a natural emotional response), they feel cheated after all... it might not sound logical, but

And I agree on "the law isn't always right", I mean, it was illegal for a woman to vote worldwide 'till the mid 20th century, and gay marriage?... so we agree there.

I went unspoiled yet when the I was riding down that hill and the music hits I had a bad feeling about John's future...

Hmm no, the ticket will be sold and the paying costumers will still get what they paid for, the pirate/"stowaway" would have to hide either by hiding on a corner or playing offline.

And it brings the same old questions: how many of those people would've payed for the ticket/food have they not chose to sneak there?. If they implement extra security at the door would there be less intruders or shoud they save that money and offer a less expensive service to get more paying costumers?.

That was e until my PC moved to the living room. Since then all the web-based stupidity and social network crap has moved to my tablet and my phone. Gaming and movies are all I do while on my PC/console at home.

I don't like the "stealing" term either. But think of it as sneaking into a movie theater or amusement park without paying for the ticket, you get the experience and you didn't pay for it. Is even worse with games 'cause you get to have the experience as long as you want.

Ok, what about sneaking into a movie theater or an amusement park without paying the ticket?, 'cause since gaming is an experience that could be a better comparison.

Well I play COD on consoles mostly, but what I've seen on PC is that while is not as crowded as consoles it still has a decent player base. Maybe it's my matchmaking/server preference.

Well I actually know a ton of people who play COD on PC. And is a good choice for those who like to avoid some of CODs annoying features since there is actually comunities with dedicated servers, no X perk/weapon/killstreak, etc.

BULLSHIT!. Harrasment is wrong and if somebody feels he/she has been abused they can kick, cry and complaint as much as they want. You wann suck it up, thats your problem, thats you.

Well, I was a big UFC fan and while I was playing SP or waiting for a MP game to start I used to watch the fights, so the embeded TV functionality is a perk... but a incredible feature? Nah!.

B... But it has a dog... A DOG!, and realistic fish AI!

I have the same problem, but since I keep a portable power pack for my phone and electronic cigarettes, I just plug the controller to that one.