
there are about 2,600 soldiers on the ground there now, the pentagon says that number will double in the next day or so. there are also 16 navy and coast guard ships including the uss kearsage. 8 blackhawks have been dispatched from kentucky, and the usns comfort is on the way as well.

I apologize that I must disagree with you on the position of shutting down ideas. I personally find the ideas you posit morally reprehensible and repugnant (and cannot stress that point enough), and would likely not engage in a reasonable debate with anyone espousing them because I don’t have the patience to deal with

There is no room for reasoned debate with unreasonable positions.

Regardless of whether his views were “right” or “wrong” (especially since “right” and “wrong” are so often subjective), all Google did accomplish by firing him is prove they are guilty of that which he accused them of: Being/fostering an “echo chamber” on this issue.

Faster, cheaper, cleaner, more convenient etc etc.

Confessing upfront a lack of expertise on the issue, is there any reason why a band of electromagnetic frequency can’t be reserved via regulation for medical devices? In the same way they reserve certain channels on radio frequencies for emergency responders, etc?

OK. So transracial does not exist because they do not experience systemic oppression? Try to map out the logic there.

Not really an answer but, yes it is odd, it’s weird as hell and no one knows how it works. Maybe it could it could be like you describe it, or not, or both. ;P

So here’s the question....... why couldn’t we accept that entangled particle1 always had an up-spin, and entangled particle 2 always had a down spin to begin with? but we never knew because we never observed it until the instance of observation?

You’re right about the privilege of living in a city with several transportation options. You’re also right about the technical definition of a boycott—I did my very best to be honest and transparent about that part of the story. You’re slightly off base by implying that Uber has gifted the world an astounding

I’m with you. I think the simplest answer is usually correct. Everybody else is getting entangled in the imaginary

Because that’s not how quantum mechanics works: it is not that we don’t know until we look. It’s that it isn’t either up or down until we look.

Full stop. It’s not magic. It’s a rock with an escape velocity greater than the speed of light.

China would not call in its debt all at once. If it did so, the demand for the dollar would plummet like a rock. This dollar collapse would disrupt international markets even more than the 2008 financial crisis.

Plus, this negative effective mass isn’t all that new.

so i full-on agree with you, i’m a trained science journalist and treat that stephen colbert clip as gospel. I virtually always put the line “this is a single study, so we need to be cautious about its results” in my stories, but there’s something you’re missing here. News stories need a reason to be told. 

1.- Or you could use GOOGLE KEEP...

Google wifi does not have a dedicated wireless backhaul which is unfortunate. This thing and Orbi do but unfortunately that very key feature is (dramatically) reflected in the price so yeah Google probably wins.

Tesla manufactures in a facility purchased from a legacy manufacturer, has engineers from legacy manufacturers, and has a fundamental design and architecture based on the concepts of a legacy manufacturer.

My father was a carpenter, so I helped on many of his jobs. That includes a lot of shingling.