
How many people *actually* quit though? If 10 people sign up to binge certain shows, how many quit once they’re done? 1? Maybe?

It’s getting old by now.

Also, no 2 year contract to sign, and you can cancel any of those at any’s ridiculous to say that going back to cable is the more affordable solution, not just ridiculous but completely moronic. Who is this guy?

See. Math. You get it. That’s WAY cheaper than paying a cable company. However, Internet companies, owned by those cable corporations, have started raising Internet prices to make up for the loss of subscribers since they know we need Internet to watch their shows

That doesn’t provide you with service anything like full cable service. It’s kind of like saying “I don’t watch TV so obviously paying nothing is a bargain compared to paying anything”. This article is about the prospects of getting to subscribe to specific TV networks “a la carte” (the dream of many reluctant cable

And Google’s Photos is great for this; you can quickly select items (or an entire set of photos using shift-click on desktop), and create/add to a shared album, even on mobile.

It’s really a game-changer. Before Google Photos, I’d go on vacation, take pictures with my mirrorless camera, then plug the SD card into a

From having an iPhone, iPad and Mac I can honestly say that Google Photos is actually better for a big reason. It seems with Apple’s if you want to view photos on your iPad, it makes the iPad download ALL photos which is a huge memory hog. Google is more user-friendly in the way that it doesn’t seem to force you to

For the “albums and sharing” category, it is hard for me to support apple’s approach at all. While I am okay with apple having better features for mac and iOS users, their photos app can NOT be accessed by anyone using a non-Apple device. This cripples its sharing abilities and is excruciatingly frustrating. Recently

yes I understood you, I was just making your joke at bad monetary management more real w the current world of showing off while poor.

nah, the marley filter was okay.

Why is everyone offended by the stupidest things?

you get responded to, or you get a star, or you reach some sort of unspecified seniority.

And Toblerone...

What are you talking about? Nougat is delicious! Nougat is inside of snickers bars, and inside of 3musketeers bars. Nougat is delicious. I seriously am wondering why in the world, you do not like Nougat.

Son and mirror

Genesis 3:14 “So the Lord God said to the serpent, ‘Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.’”

Why are my comments Grayed out David? I been blogging with you guys since 2004? Never ever had an issue.

Facebook is increasingly becoming a login as well, meaning you can’t access or interact with sites or services without having a Facebook account and authorizing said site/service access to it.

Facebook is just some place everyone shares their photos, comments similar to how you share your comments on your gawker account. and Gmail is just some free email service people use to send and receive email, just like you probably have some other type of email hosted on some other company’s servers. facebook,

Again, there's a difference between apologizing for your actions and apologizing for how your actions affected someone. I can feel perfectly justified in what I did, but still be a compassionate enough human being to not completely invalidate someone else's emotions for the sake of being right. I can feel justified