
Why is Dr. Manhatten so underutilized in tv shows or movies? I wish i could find a whole series tv show about him or find a movie about him, like we have for The Flash.

try boiling it for only 1 minute (the fresh farmers market corn on the cob), you’ll see it tastes way better than the other corn you boiled for 10 minutes.

The Difference is that the more you cook the corn the worse it tastes.... next time, instead of boiling a fresh corn on the cob you purchased from the farmer’s market for 10 minutes, try boiling it for literally 1 minute.... and taste it....... it’ll taste WAY BETTER.

my wife was recently told she should apply for an open managerial position, she told me she didn’t want the added stress it brought... it made me wonder if perhaps there is something in gender differences (at least on average), where men are more willing to do something like that and women not, and at the end of the

there is only 1 ISP option in my city. it’s more difficult than you think.

So how can I avoid myself and my children becoming contaminated with chlorpyrifos ???? any tips would be welcome. 

why not use avocado oil instead of coconut oil and avoid all this oil drama. Avocado oil is actually healthy for you with very little saturated fats. much much better than coconut oil.

yea, they’re autonomous. they have sensors which detect if they are on a black surface or on a white surface. If they’re on a white surface then they immediately rev the tires to drive full speed towards the black surface. and if the sensor encounters resistence in the driving, Then this must mean you’ve encountered

why? Amazon is going to combine this with their flying drones to deliver your organic non-gmo sunflower seed butter to your door. I think it’s fantastic.

I just find it odd that if particle1 is entangled with particle2 that those two particles would communicate with each other even if they were on opposite sides of the galaxy. allow me to try and elaborate my thoughts, I’m curious your response to this... Suppose that entangled particle1 acts like a wave as you

Hypothetical question. Suppose 2 entangled particles are separated (we dont know which way their spin is until observed) ... and they’re separated one thousand miles apart.... so in Quantumn Entanglement.......... detecting the spin of 1 entangled particle (we find out it has up-spin), immediately causes the other

I was speculating that it might be possible for a singularity to have some unfathamably ridiculous small size so as to appear as if it were a point (but not a literal point), but more than likely it really is a singularity with no size and infinite density, however, we’re all just a bunch of meat wads walking around

I believe both are correct #1) a black hole literally goes through multiple dimensions as it falls through these extra dimensions of spacetime (BTW spacetime is more than the 3-dimensions we’re familiar with), and #2)a hole does literally go through a dimension, as in it is literally passing through other dimensions

a hole does go all the way through. it goes through dimensions, and who knows how many dimensions it goes through before it “bottoms out”

right, it’s a point so dense (with no size) yet infinite density, that is the singularity of a black hole. the limits of the sphere around this point is the event horizon.

spacetime is not a 3-dimensional mesh of fabric as it is shown in the illustrations. Spacetime is a multi-dimensional, spacetime could even be 10-dimensional......... so when I say something sinks into spacetime, i really mean it is sinking into extra dimensional layers. the fabric of which we cannot even imagine.

Time exists in all dimensions......... it exists in the 1st dimension, and it exists in the 3 dimensions we’re familiar with . it also exists in the 4th spatial dimension, as well as the 5th, etc. but it is the same time, and all dimensions travel along time altogether.

it is a hole......... it is literally sinking into the fabric of spacetime....... it probably sinks into the 4th dimension (i’m not referring to time as the 4th dimension, i am referring to the 4th spatial dimension)

Black holes may very well be extremely dense objects that have a size, yes. and it just so happens that the size is the same as a point. like as in a literal point in space. However this point in space is so dense and massive that nothing can escape from this point. and furthermore, nothing can escape the vicinity of

replace it with the Pixel... or better yet, wait until October and get the NEW pixel. it’s the successor to all Nexus phones.