
don’t buy the pixel now because the NEW pixel is coming out in 5 months, just be patient, it’ll be well worth your wait.

i think the Nexus 7 is on a 5-year refresh cycle, wait 1 more year.

if you think that Android is buggy as hell with UI Problems, lags, stutters, etc, then you have not used an android phone. There is only 1 android phone, and that is the one sold directly from the google store. everything else is android-based which is why they’re so laggy. if you want something that is smoother, no

You’re missing the point...... acidic water, and neutral water, and alkaline water......... ALL of them equally hydrate you.......... you were debating in your article trying to prove your point that one does not hydrate you more than the other...... and you proved your point.......... but you missed the bigger

it’s not a myth that the dollar could fail. if China cashed in it’s debt, the only way the U.S. could afford to pay them back is throug hyper inflation (printing money) because we dont have the solvency to pay back that debt.

China legitimizes their currency the same way the united states legitimizes it’s currency.... the government says a $1 Bill is worth $1 “because we say so”.... it’s not backed on anything. the same is true here as in China. all of the U.S. Debt China holds is kind of like a safetynet for China, and if they ever use

how can the FDIC insure against your money losing value??? if the $1,000 in your bank , tomorrow, all of a sudden is only valued enough to buy you a water bottle. how can the FDIC return the value of the money to what it is today? they can’t.

it’ll fail as soon as China decides to cash in on all the debt the U.S. owes china.

the U.S. Dollar is backed by pixie fairy dust........... It’s not backed by gold, or silver, or anything valuable at all......... It is backed by the U.S.’ Government’s saying that “this is real money because we say it is”... essentially...

WOW, this is the first i’ve ever heard of it. thanks for sharing the link. However, It doesn’t appear like the author of Discworld even cares to attempt to explain why the turtle with elephants supporting the world even begins to make sense. you just have to accept it as hand-waving ‘because it is’ and if you can do

so you mean the most interesting part of all this is the elicitation of the mass, basically observing it..... but why does it behave that way?

please explain further... the flat disc earth is accelerating up. the sun is much smaller than the Discworld. so what is to stop the flat disc earth from accelerating up and crashing into the sun? is there a person called A’Tuin who inserts an invisible force field buffer to keep the sun always above the flat disc

where are you getting this pricing information? it isn’t on the website...

how does it suck money away from landlords? the tenant pays the $25 fee, not the landlord.

their website says the $25 fee is a 1-time cost... nowhere does it say it continues each and every single month. where did you get that info?

so what’s to stop the flat disc earth from accelerating up into the sun and hitting the sun?

it wouldn’t make sense if they did because even the bible says the world is round.Isaiah 40:22 mentions the ‘circle of the earth’ However, if you look at the root word for circle in this verse, the bible was not written in english, in Hebrew, it’s the word ‘chuwg’ which is a word used interchangeably for either

I have nothing against using it as a prescription drug. I’m talking about the potheads who use it and suffer from the things mentioned in those 3 articles I quoted previously.

you gotta wait until october. it will be very very very much worth the wait for the New Pixel

I purchased the Pixel XL, and the reliable updates are the reason i will probably end up staying on the Pixel line. There’s a new pixel being released in october 2017