
My favorite heat exchanger is my wife, who can somehow pile on three blankets and still absorb all my body heat by touching my leg with a single icy foot.

I like how Europe is basically just pretending nuclear power doesn’t exist, despite the fact that nuclear power is the reason why they were able to overcome fossil fuels.

haha what ?

If you can’t afford to pay cash, you can’t afford that car.

You're giving Raph far too much credit with a response of this detail. 

The best way I ever heard this merger explained is as follows.  The Chrysler Daimler merger was like when Germany and Poland merged in 1939.

1989's The Abyss wasn’t exactly a hit either and the underwater scenes so traumatized Ed Harris to the extent that he refuses to talk about them to this day. And that’s from a guy who has experienced a lot of physical discomfort while filming, so hardly a fragile flower. Apparently, it is just incredibly lucky that

AOC is a goddamned national treasure. Unabashedly progressive, kicked moderate ass in her elections, calls Republicans on their bullshit, skillfully claps back when they try to attack her, and she somehow successfully managed to merge political awareness with Twitch in a way that didn’t feel forced or scripted? In my

Fair enough, but this one comes with body panels you can’t see through.

Sure, if by nicer you mean rusted out.

I’m not saying buy a Supra but I wouldn’t be seen in a C8 unless you put a gun to my head. It’s one ugly motherfucker.

The internal code is BRAAAAPTOR.

“A restaurant uses ingredients”

Toyota is going to drop the V10 from the LFA into the Tundra and call it the Kamikaze.

Nope, Chevy’s still trying to figure out why no one buys its very ugly trucks with great engines and crap interiors.  

To be fair that bike probably did many, many miles of similar trails before you got it, but 30+ years and things tend to need more attention. And are more prone to breaking.

I got one a few months ago and am also concerned for the ground clearance (coming from a 2005 Escape Hybrid). I’m waiting on delivery of a 1.2" lift kit from Europe, and plan to install it and a set of oversized winter tires before winter hits. Between the two, I expect ground clearance to go from the current 5.5" to

Exactly. It’s the 12" or more days that get me. This car will handle any _reasonable_ conditions. It’s the unreasonable ones that I’m mentioning.

I voted NP, then the free market reaffirmed my choice - listing deleted.

If you experience an over-reliance on SUV’s and have no plan for the future, contact your doctor immediately.