
Man what a cool car. $55k is a whole lotta chedder to be spending on something like this. Just because it's got a custom 6 speed doesn't mean it's worth more though. Especially since the other example given in this post is almost 10 TIMES cheaper than what we see here. Granted, this guy's in way better condition, it's

Wow, thanks for clarifying that for me. I had never thought about the transmission issues you brought up. Seems like for an electric car fleet to work, we'd have to rebuild our entire electrical grid from the ground up or at least significantly upgrade it. What are your thoughts on vehicles powered by natural gas?

Looking at the title I was like "NP!" finding out that it's not complete, "Crackus Pipeus!" accompanied by the sad tuba noise. Too bad though, everything looks clean but, as the saying goes, "Never try to finish someone else's project"

I agree with a lot of the points you have here. Especially when it comes to buying used and repairing. However, wouldn't it be more efficient for one single power plant emitting the CO2 required to power our vehicles rather than a bunch of really small Internal Combustion engines, even if it is a coal plant? I'm not

Why not? 14k for a decent 911 is a pretty solid deal. Don't really care about the visual mods but whatever.

Sounds like me when I'm in the car alone on a late night.

Sure why the hell not? NP

I voted NP for some reason. I think out of pity for the amount of hate this generation of Z's get. They can't be thaaat bad. Can they?

I'll see it. Damn, looks like quite the flick!

Double serving of nope.

Seems like a pretty fun car and probably worth 7k. At 24,990 it just aint worth it. CP!

I'd pay 1450 to burn it. Soooo... NP?

I have no idea what the prices are for Spyders these days but dang I've always loved em. $3500 seems like a solid enough deal. Like others have said, just remove those US spec battering rams and blast around on the weekends like a boss. NP!

You could do a whole lot worse than this for 40G's. I don't know what kind of mark up this has got due to ole shelby's sig but I'll still vote NP. It's going to be harder and harder to find a decent 1st gen viper as the years go on. Shit, in two years this car will be 20 years old!

Yikes. If you bubble wrapped this thing and kept it in a climate controlled garage for the next 20 years, then yeah 10 grand would be a solid price. Despite the difficulty of finding a clean unmolested CRX, there's no way I can rationalize the price. CP

I like it. With the Pentastar V6 and the 9 Speed transmission I would seriously consider this when it comes time to replace my 2011 Forester. Now before you make a generalization about my lifestyle choices, I live halfway up a mountain on a poorly maintained dirt road off of a dirt road so I actually do need something

As a Saab nut and former owner of a 900 and a 9000 Turbo, this is a sweet car indeed. That being said, this car is waaaaaay overpriced for what it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, special edition, SPG (probably not) and all that but check out and I'm sure you could find something with less miles for 7k Max. C to tha

I know it was once the fastest thing in Dodge's stable for a little while but I think it's so damn ugly I would have to pass. CP for me but maybe NP for someone who appreciates these kinds of things.

What a beaut! Price is a little high but damn you could do a whole lot worse for 8k. NP just for the sunny days I would take out to rip around in.

Saw the pic. Almost immediately clicked NP. This is indeed a badass mofo ride!