
Don’t ever martyr yourself for your job. Don’t try to save them money if that’s not your job, take all of your allotted benefits.

Please, please, please take your sick days. Not only do you need them (burnout!), but other people in your office need you to take them: people who are immunocompromised, or who live with them (including babies and the elderly).

My favorite moment is when Trump loosens his fingers to maneuver out of the handshake and Macron grips Trump’s hard one more time as if to assert that the handshake won’t end until Macron is good and ready.   

Did you grow up in the NY-NJ area? Because yeah, everyone who grew up there who has two brain cells to rub together remembers since at least the 1980s what a stupid, useless shit Trump was/is. Along with his entire family, ex or current. He was a joke back then, and he’s a vastly more dangerous joke now.

The thing is if you publicly put yourself out there as a nazi fuckhead then you become a nazi fuckhead in ALL public spaces. I’m for disrespecting nazi’s in any and all circumstances. Freedom of speech is a bitch, he brought this on himself.

This isn’t about “quiet acceptance”, it’s about not using the 24/7 tyranny tactics of the enemy, which undermine the (obvious) moral authority of anti-Richard Spencer arguments.

lol you white people get so principled and by the book about “rights” when it’s a white supremacist because you aren’t the target of their ire. I’m sure you’d be the same way if he belonged to a group where you were the target, right?

I think that it is extremely important to do this exact thing, actually. Confronting a Nazi at a spa, showing them that it’s NEVER okay to be a Nazi, even in a neutral space or safe place or w/e. Now, obviously, it’s not okay to do it to some guy you SUSPECT to be a Nazi or something, but this guy, who is so vocal and

OMG - I’m so uncool. I just saw the name of the band as gibberish. And now. Now I see it. Power Bottom. I’m old

He’s released 16 albums!!!!!

It’s funny to make fun of someone by saying they have a low paying job

I kind of thought this was going to be about Ryan Adams supposedly fueling Albert Hammond Jr’s heroin addiction.

There’s only one good Robin Hood movie.

Dear assholes considering doing a murder-suicide,

So where’s the part where she tried to run him off the road?

I’m kind of surprised people are buying the whole “she’s just trying to lay low” thing. I mean, maybe she hasn’t been photographed in a while but it seems like her people are still making sure that she gets a media shout out every few days. Maybe she’s just trying to shed her snake skin image.

I’m getting really annoyed with this “X is just a distraction for Y!” complaint. Literally every single thing coming out of this failed administration deserves our attention, but we have limited capacity to deal with it all. Pick and choose the issues that are most important to you and focus on them, but firing Comey

I’ve got nothing against Dwayne, but FUCK HIM.

Please. He didn’t speak up because he’s a fucking Republican pretending to be an independent, he’s just not dumb enough to be a Trump supporter. Any reasonable, and true, independent, voted Hillary because it would have been stupid not to, unless you’re a rancid right-winger. Ergo, he’s a Republican.