Favorite Drunk History thread!
Favorite Drunk History thread!
On a lighter note, someone else making Twitter a bearable place: (h/t The Root)
Can you imagine it? Tony Shalhoub just Eddie Murphy-ing his way through it, playing men, women, young and old.
Disney’s currently toying with the idea of having Tony Shalhoub play upwards of 80% of the background characters.
She’s someone with one of the biggest platforms in the world and has never used it to speak against the president or any of his policies. Fuck that white privileged bitch and the shitty music she makes.
Rihanna is the most important millennial of our time. The Rihanna Rihport is where we chronicle the magnitude of her…
Yes! Also, I think the most powerful full audience reaction in my theater was definitely the scene at the end, when the cop car rolls up, and there’s that recognition of “Oh shit, he’s screwed, he’s dead,” and then you almost immediately feel everyone realize: “Imagine living a life where cops showing up means you’re…
Eh - I think both women look great. Different, but both great.
But how do you REALLY feel?
Totally understandable I myself am a black woman in Trumps America and I’m taking the wins wherever I can if something is sugary sweet and brings me joy I’m alright with it
Nervous laugh...I totally didn’t just go see this and love it..nope and I totally didn’t download the soundtrack either....yes I did I love cheesy musicals and you will not take this from me you cynic you! I’ve listened to Rewrite the Stars wayyyy more times than I’d like to admit right now. Zac and Zendaya were…
I respectfully disagree: if you’re a person who enjoys looking at Hugh Jackman’s face expressing rapturous delight and some earnest smoldering, it’s great. If you also enjoy looking at Hugh Jackman in a ringmaster outfit (spoiler alert: you FUCKING WILL), it’s worth the price of admission. Zendaya is flawless. 3-4 of…
In early 1937, director Gregory La Cava sent an assistant named Winfrid Thackrey to embed herself in a home for…
She stops doing that.
I think it’s still acceptable to say you are “anti abortion”, even though I suspect most of the motivation to vote for these guys is about racism. It always is.
Honest question: Do you think abortion is really the issue there, or is it that support for anti-abortion candidates overlaps closely with support for white candidates? In other words, are they hiding behind one seemingly unimpeachable voting issue to disguise another, less savory motive?
How DARE you accuse people with real emotions of lying. That’s just as bad as [ERROR CLINTON WHATABOUT #5473 NOT FOUND] And my uncle heard that straight from his FBI boss!