
No matter whom els this may have happened to, it was apparent that it would never happen to Trump.


I’m going to try on “being a man” for fun and point out that I’VE never heard of Miller’s Crossing, so clearly Usual Suspects is more famous.

I hate Celebitchy. They select certain women for misogynist and/or racist attacks. I think Halle Berry, Duchess Kate, Miranda Kerr, Jennifer Garner are some of the main targets but I’m sure there are others I forgetting at the moment. Anytime a woman celeb is in the middle of a custody battle, they all start

They are still stunning.

Everyone knows you stand behind the benches to make sure you won’t be thrown onto the tracks by a psychopath.

I saw the headline, thought, “Oh cool, pictures of Michelle and a panda,” looked at the pictures, and got sad.

Who ever had the idea of playing La Bamba while the rally was going on is a genius.

Hey, keep it properly seasonal and I’m cool with it. But if Christmas continues its expansionist policies and invasions of neighboring holidays we will continue to have a problem. Resist! #oneholidayatatime

I’d say I was looking forward to next week’s inevitable stories about how these fuckheads were tossed from their jobs, but.....come on. Look at them. Jobs. Lol.

Now playing

If Bianca Del Rio is Dora give this film all the Oscars.

You sit there and talks about respect for the nation, the flag, the troops.

A hard fought gain in the War on Christmas

Okaaaaaay the voiceovers are ridic but dem cheeks on that babeeeee AND foot phone...I’m dun.

See, but it’s acting. Which means it is pretend. He doesn’t have a baby with that woman in real life, but if those two people procreated, the kid would be biracial. See, it’s all pretend.

That’s actually lovely and dat baby is adorable

Taylor can’t do those boots the justice they deserve. Put those boots on Rihanna!

Hi Clover! I worked for Sarah Jessica Parker for years. She is the most chill, funny, hyper-intelligent, wonderful mother and friend...

He looks like peak skeevey Jude Law.