You know - every month... every month I read this list thinking “This will be the month where I feel good about the money I spend on Netflix”
And every month I get more and more disappointed.
If it weren’t for the marvel stuff, and the hot and cold running Star Trek it would be so easy for me to cancel.
Anyone else…
??? I really don’t see Amy Schumer as being a big attention seeker, especially compared to most other celebs. Sure, she makes her living off of promoting her work so she can’t *disappear*, but she seems pretty low-key and real.
This is part of Adam Sandler’s and Kevin James’s job. This is a work event, and that’s how they dressed. How unbelievably unprofessional.
Yeah, sometimes. ;)
What about my garbage bag full of popcorn?!
“This shopping bag packed full of candy and snacks is my emotional support pet.”
My messenger bag is less than six inches thick so I’ll be okay?
*looks down at cargo pants*
Yeah, that was definitely the strangest casting in that movie. Winona Ryder is 46 and she still looks like a 25-year-old in old-age makeup.
Why in Star Trek did they take the gorgeous Winona Ryder and make her Spock’s mom, in some vaguely old person looking makeup, then give her a couple lines and kill her off. Seemed like a waste.
The premiere dress is gorgeous.
Can’t wait to go see it with my whole family , and support it !! The people who wanted it to fail, and who were calling it “PC” (which is just stupid) make me want to take multiple people with me and support it !! Not that I didn’t want to see it before. I’ve already been eating all the movie inspired dishes at the…
I don’t remember CCR in Apocalypse Now. The memorable music cues from that movie for me would be The End (Doors), Satisfaction (Stones), and Ride of the Valkeries (Wagner).
Welcome to the A/V club, Zack.
Well, my dad was over there and said The Animals got more play in The Navy
The Velvet Underground needs to be used in Vietnam war soundtracks. It’s what all the hipster soldiers were listening to in the late 60's.
Screw you, Garden State WAS good. I am not a crackpot.
I honestly laughing when when The Post opened with Green River.