
Goosebumps. Seriously... goosebumps.

On the fence about Suburbicon. Anyone seen it? Thoughts?

Aw man, if my mama was alive today she’d be rollin’ in her grave.

This judge deserves her own gold medal for opening the floodgates here.

I hear good things about those new Quantum chips.

And neither are the two follow-ups; A Tack on the Gowns and Reflow of the Chiffon.

Putting the scars back in Oscars. I like this.

THANK you for this article, Caroline! I felt like I was alone in the dark all this time, like NO ONE would talk about it, even IN the new flicks. Kylo should have been on a maniacal hunt to kill his mother, why would he give two-sh**s about dad? It’s the (force) mom that matters to him. When they meet on the gantry at

I sincerely hope someone does a video mash-up using Tom Cruise from the first Mission Impossible. You know the scene... :)

It’s based on the Warhol poster. Can’t find the movie version as a print for sale though :/

They’re the bestest of friends. I love their commentary tracks on GoT. Always funnay.

“...have him say...”

Thank you.

Yeah :)

This is how you do ‘Wake-Up-To-Mondays’.

$25 does go a long way, but also, yes.

Thanks. Although I can’t remember the names right now, I feel like I might have been there. It was before the Lake District, probably a different one though. It was also a hostel in the hills, and it did have a great chef(!) and a large variety of beers in storage.

I know, that jacket is barely twenty years old.