
Aaah, the classics.

That kid’s gonna be a chipotle off the ole block.

Me too, but’s ...her ...biiiiiirrthdaaaay...!

But not too intricate.

This movie doesn’t come anywhere close to the first one. In this, when the aunt arrives, the dad should have been behind her with a smile, why didn’t he (or anyone) meet her at the airport?!?! What, she just made her way, all frail and such, no one to greet her at the airport, just so the door could open to her with a

Now this is good abstracting. Wonderful, consistently wonderful stuff here.


Call it Sweater On Sweater and I’m in :)

They say it was a cold winter.

My great-great-great-great-great-grandfather left me their browser history and bookmarks in their will. So that was nice.

Who DOESN’T like getting caught by Annette?

Long-story-short: when I was visiting San Fran, I once went up and asked a cabbie if they knew the movie Bullitt, without blinking they just let out a sigh and before I could even get in their cab, they were already taking down anything that wasn’t already fastened in their cab. That included anything dangling off the

As seen in Poplar Mechanics.


Honestly, if you just squint a bit...

I read that like you threw a fat cat across the room, till you said they started laughing and I was like, do cats ‘laugh’?. Had to re-read it. Cool story. Studio apartments rock. a donation in Williams’ name.

I would do it wearing socks. I would do it eating lox.

Agreed. Burt Lancaster would take zero sh**s from anyone.