Ninja Lollipop

For real, though, if you feel like you’re having that much trouble, you should take a little time off to get as right as you can. I had issues the first time I went to college and was really stupid (maybe not stupid, but just ignorant to what I should do) about my problems. Talk to a councelor or therapist and take a

Keep up the good fight. Same boat here. Great family, had a great job...still hated life. Was on the edge of an attempt and thinking of my family was the only thing that kept me from it. Quit my job, getting help, and trying to approach a less stressful life. Found there were a lot of people in similar situations.

Glad you were able to find help, and thanks for sharing.

I suffered from anxiety disorder when I was at college and ended up dropping out... not that that will happen to you, but it wasn’t the end of the world. Fast forward 18 years and I have a good career, wife, kids, happy life, etc. Point is, the future is never as bleak as it may seem at our lowest.

Thank you for sharing that. Don’t stop talking about it! I’m a survivor of a suicide attempt. When I hear other people who are struggling, or hear terrible news like this, I try to use it as a reminder to stay communicative and not get tunnel vision. Take good care of yourself.

School should take a back seat to your well being. Trying to finish school while I was suffering mentally exacerbated both problems, and my friends basically held an intervention at my work to finally help me come to grips that I needed to fix something or be lost for good. They saw that I was alternating between

Keep it up, friendo.

Yep. I myself came from a great supportive family, was on my way to getting my degree, but did not know I was suffering from a life long anxiety disorder that led me to two suicide attempts. I was fortunate to find my way out (and finish my degree!) with a lot of help/therapy/support, but some people aren’t so lucky,

It’s said every single time, but obviously bears repeating, the suicide prevention number is 800-273-8255.


Please keep posting this nonsense Carmack. It’s very amusing. (Hint: they don’t COUNT the votes until Tuesday.)

Oh, for Pete’s sake. Election commissions cannot release any voting results until after the polls are closed across the country on election day, so what in the world makes you think they’re releasing the actual results already? They are clearly, in every frickin’ article I’ve read, releasing the number of Democrats

They say votes, but you’re reading that incorrectly. The actual votes themselves won’t be counted until election day. When they talk about Democrat and Republican ballots, they’re talking about ballots requested by people registered to vote for those parties. In that same paragraph them mention a million votes from

The numbers you’re quoting aren’t votes — they’re based on turnout. So far 7,000 more Democrats than Republicans have turned out to vote. The votes haven’t been counted yet. If significant numbers of Independents and/or Republicans are voting for Clinton, the margin will be much higher than 7,000.

You mean besides full-throated racism?

As the Trump/ Tea Party wing has become ascendant, the GOP’s been hemorrhaging support among every demographic group except rural, non-college educated whites (even college educated whites, long a GOP stronghold, are fleeing; IIRC Hillary’s on track to be the first Dem to win college-educated whites in over 50 years).

An awful lot of Republicans have despised the Clintons for the past 25 years, many made a lucrative career from it.

I blame Twitter.

Easy. Your country is full of terrified, racist, sexist assholes.

Black president