Ninja Lollipop

Talk to your advisor. I know that it looks impossible but they may be able to help you find an alternative path so you can take care of yourself.

Amen. And, 27 percent of registered voters in Florida are independents ... and a significant portion of independents are young and Hispanic. Time to Guac the Vote for Hillary!

Thanks for reminding me who Jim Webb was. Saved me a few keystrokes on Google.

Mitt Romney would have done much better if he weren’t courting the nut jobs. As Governor of Massachusetts, he was considerably more center. I think the abandonment of the center started with McCain bringing the Wasilla hillbilly front and center.

Mr. “What is Aleppo?” Seems like a wise choice.

Evidence for this assertion that a sizable portion of Dems are abandoning Hillary? Please don’t cite Fox or any alt-right nut jobs.

Idiotic really