Sticky Little Fingers

Other possibilities

I know, right? If you're gonna go for shameful, here, go for shameful, lady. Like a whole roll of cookie dough with Nutella for dippin'.

Now playing

When I was in the Castro earlier, I saw a cute young (female) couple waiting to hear the decision. I said to the guy next to me, "Do you think this is going to put pressure on one of them to pop the question?" I was kidding, but then there's this...


Good luck finding one.

No kidding eh! My ex brought his bunny outside for some sun one day and while he sat in the grass with her, a squirrel came by and tried to take some food. The rabbit went full on death-match mode and KILLED THE SQUIRREL in front of my ex. He just sat there, stunned, as this fluffy little thing comes hopping back to

However, we have taken steps to review all posts in the future and insure that they send the message that was intended.

Like this...? Pro∀bition

I'm a total over 35 year old fem-bot now. Pass me the marabou trimmed negligee and high heeled slippers. And a cabana boy!

Congratulation, that means Muslim students now can pray in public.

Sluts of NYC.!

I'm 100% down. I'm currently seeking new friends, as I've decided my college pals are lame. The true problem? They're not slutty. Truth. Always making me feel bad about my life choices. F that.

Clearly all of the women (or most) interviewed were straight. Just saying. Because from my experience if you're not superpromiscuous in the queer community it's like "What the fuck do you do with your free time? Sit there?"

Bein' realz. I would totally set up a happy hour for Jezebel NYC sluts!

So it is illegal to SELL porn to people of a certain age but I can print out photos of it and wave them around and that's legal?

I think the best reason is that even most reformed sluts (myself, included) aren't judgy with their currently slutty friends. It's more like a "get it, girl" attitude or a "been there, done that, got the t-shirt and used it to wipe up body fluids" vibe.

I need new slutty friends. My best slutty friend moved away to LA recently. She was way more fun then anyone else, always down to go out (or stay in with wine), and a great person to talk to. Most of my other friends have slept with tops 3 people. They get super judgie if I talk about a hookup or something. Or they

I first noticed the hands, then the neck. After my baby especially. My face changed, more like hers. It's creepy! My teen self is mortified. Now me is too tired to care much.

What we need is Finland, but on a tropical island.