Sticky Little Fingers

I never understood why people don't realize that the best cool old cars require stick (and, if they are older than 1964, double-clutch).

Sunscreen and avoiding tanning is no joke. I'm the same age as Cindy. I'm probably 30lbs heavier, so there's that, but my skin looks better than hers because I've worn sunscreen every single day since I was 25.

Olive Garden's commercials make me gag. Everything looks like it is doused in snot sauce. I've never eaten there (I live in NYC and I'm super snotty)

I get food obsessions - not so much anymore, but all the time when I was growing up.

I simply do not understand this. I've been tweezing my 1" wide, ear-to-ear unibrow every single day for 40 years and not a SINGLE hair has decided to just give up and stop coming back. WTF?

The night of my seventh grade dance, I got myself all made up to be beautiful and attempted to go out like that. It was 1979. I was wearing hot pink blush in stripes up my cheeks, navy blue eyeshadow from lash to brow, and purple gloppy lipstick. I was also doused in Love's Baby Soft.

Ronan Farrow tweeted "Joni Ernst delivering response in the style of an in-flight safety video."

I went off the pill when I turned 35, and was suddenly plagued with ever-worsening migraines, hayfever and sinus problems. I was pretty much down for the count from mid-August until November each year. I also wound up with ever-worse periods (huge gross clumps, heavy heavy blood, lasting 2 weeks).

I understand. My Dad had a stroke two years ago. I've saved the last voicemail I got from him before the stroke, but I have never been able to listen to it. He can talk still, but his brain function is dramatically reduced. I've kept every voicemail he's left me since then.

This is no joke. I sat behind a lady a few weeks ago, and the stench she laid was unreal. I had to cover my head with my scarf for 20 minutes until it was safe.

The super sexy guy (in a sexy Jew way; you might need to be Jewish to find him hot) who played Neil Shweiber's older brother in a single episode starred in Numb3rs.

Afternoon Delight came out when I was in 4th grade. We spent quite a bit of time whispering about what it was really about.

Afternoon Delight is a wonderful song! What's the matter with you?

Uh oh. I do indeed sit in that circle (hangs head in shame). A properly aged circus peanut is a wonderful thing (they must be quite stale to be perfect, like peeps).

There are a lot of reasons Citibike is easier than using your own bike — you don't have to store it or worry about it getting stolen, you don't need a lock, you don't need to pre-plan and have it with all the time.

Saw it this weekend after stalking it for about three years (through pre-prod via Facebook).

I wish Muslims in the US weren't so terrified of getting killed and would fight as hard as the Satanists. Florida would go screaming yellow bonkers if they had to hand out coloring books about Islam and Korans and had displays for Eid or Ramadan in the courthouse.

When I got my first very own all to myself office, I walked in humming Let The River Run and felt very proud of myself.

I'm not proud of this, but I'm not ashamed either.

My stepfather is Italian and loves hot spicy stuff. I took him to an Indian restaurant and he ordered Vindaloo. Waiter told him it was very hot and asked if he was sure. Stepfather got all puffed up and told waiter to make it extra hot.