Sticky Little Fingers

When my niece was 12 (two years ago), she told me that all the girls in her science class always made sure to bring big sweatshirts to wear in class because the teacher was a huge lech and liked to stare at their chests and make gross comments. I pitched an enormous fit, but no one thought there was anything odd or

Fox & Friends was outraged because those evil Muslins are forcing the good Christian Americans to not have Christmas on the calendar and isn't that awful? There is freedom of religion, and that means that Christians should have their holidays on the calendar. Note: freedom of religion does not apply to evil Muslins

When I was growing up in CT in the 70s, the town decided that if the Jewish population hit 3%, they would have a school holiday on Yom Kippur. We never hit that percentage when I lived there. The town's main Priest didn't believe in Vatican II and still taught that the Jews killed Jesus. I had teachers who

Geez, that show. For the most part, if you take any member of the population and fix their teeth, give them a decent haircut, carefully applied makeup and a good outfit that fits properly, plus three months of exercise, sleep, good nutrition and high end skin care, and you'll have a beauty. No need for plastic

Before my friend had kids, I used to love to joke with her about what would happen if they were born with her old nose (which, really, was more of a beak than a nose) and asked questions about how they looked so different.

Aqua Grill is awesome for seafood.

Oh, and when I try to talk to him about this, he tells me it is BS and I am crazy and then whines about how hard of a time he is having.

Figure I'll toss this up here and see if anyone has any advice.

I call bullshit.

I had that surgery in 1969, when I was 2. For the most part, it's held. If I get very very tired, my left eye floats outward just a little bit, but it is barely noticeable. Also, during allergy season, the little scar in the inside corner of each eye swells a bit and can look kinda grey if you really really look

Sigh. You don't see the difference? In one case, men are shouting at a woman and following her as she walks down the street. Guaranteed, in most of those cases, if she acknowledged them in any way, it would be followed with obscenities.

No one has an issue with a polite "good morning" in passing. That wasn't what was happening in the video - this was men shouting at a woman on the street.

Um, after you say "Hey, how's it going" to your receptionist, do you follow that up with a request for a blow job? And, when she says no to that, do you follow her while shouting obscenities? No? Then, it's not even remotely the same thing.

From what Monica said at the time, she was completely willing. Clinton is known for his incredible magnitude and I totally would have done the same if I were in her place and had the chance.

Bill Clinton is know for being extremely charming and sexy, particularly in the 90s. When Monica was interviewed by Barbara Walters, who asked her why she did it, she said basically, 'because it was HOT'. I'm sure it totally was — sex under the desk of the oval office? I would totally have done it in her place.

Get yourself a set of Yoga Toes! Whenever your bunions start to bug you, put them on when you go to bed and leave them on for as long as you can stand it (I usually wake up after about 3 hours and take them off). Do this for a few days and your bunions go away. They are magic!

Fox & Friends went screaming yellow bonkers about this.

I was date raped in 1987. This is the first time I have ever mentioned it to anyone ever.

My sister has had this app for years. She takes a photo of my niece's math homework and texts it to me. I solve the problem, photograph the answer and text it back. Fifth grade math was really hard.

One of the great mysteries of life is how Adebisi kept that hat on his head. Not enough hair to pin it on, so how? Velcro?