Sticky Little Fingers

My friend was at the doctor's and said she and her husband wanted to have another kid, but they were so busy and it wasn't the right time. Doctor told her that she was over 35 and that it could take a long time to get pregnant and it's never exactly the right time.

In the 80s, being basically naked (Madonna, Cher) was subversive. Janelle Monae was on SNL this weekend and was completely clothed and it was subversive.

No, Barney's has not called the police on me. That's why my comment was only posted as a reply to someone saying that she couldn't get a sales person to pay attention to her - NO ONE gets a sales person to pay attention to them at Barney's unless they look uber rich.

Barney's staff is notoriously snotty and rude to EVERYONE who doesn't look super-rich.

I dunno about this. In the middle east, women are a high percentage of engineering majors. In India, there are TONS of women majoring in computer science. They see many of the same movies we see so I don't think this is much of a factor.

Ha! I was in Bendel's one day, and a girl comes into the area and she looked SO FAMILIAR and I was trying to figure out if I knew her from work or school or something. Then I noticed the GIANT bodyguard with her and asked someone who that was and it turned out to be Beyonce.

God, I love this movie. Will rewatch whenever it's on. The end part, when they slowly pan out from her office to show all the other offices in all the shiny buildings and Carly Simon is singing "Let the river run" , I weep every time.

I've been happy using for a long time. Got the email today that it is dead. Sad face.

Fox has been going apeshit over this. Stories every hour.

I've had plenty of long-term boyfriends, I've lived with guys. I've been dating (but not living with) my current BF for about 7 years.

Wait until your kids get older and have to do stuff like Science Fair boards and dioramas and all the other weird kid school stuff. The graphic design background will be very useful.

My sister's dog was obsessed with mangoes. She discovered this the hard way — should bought about 10 mangoes and had them on the counter. Every couple of hours, one would disappear, but she thought her husband ate them. Later, she was sitting on the couch and found a completely clean mango pit in the cushions and

For a long time, when you couldn't remember a guy's name, David or Andy was a really good guess.

Take a ride out to Greenpoint and visit Paulie Gee's. His pizza will make you believe there is indeed a god who loves us.

I'm nearly 20 years older than Kim and my butt looks a whole lot like that.

My company was in the Trade Center, and we lost about 350 colleagues on September 11th, including most of the senior management of the IT Department. One of the only survivors was a complete and total douchebag.

That's because women aren't PEOPLE, silly. Duh. Everyone knows that!

I don't have any real advice other than to talk to your doctor and tell her your concerns. See if she thinks an endochrinologist should take a look. I think that a really good acupuncturist or other Eastern medical professional may also have some suggestions.

See, the issue isn't birth control, it's SEX. So, far as these businesses are concerned, if you don't want or cannot afford babies, you must not have sex. The punishment for having sex is babies. Therefore, they won't pay for kids because it is your own fault you had sex. And, don't mention rape — if you are

Eh, mine got chopped into little pieces by a robot and sucked out a tube in my abdomen. Thought I'd miss it, but haven't noticed any real difference.