Sticky Little Fingers

Interesting. I just replaced my fitbit, so it will be interesting to compare the two.

I'm very proud of my nieces. They live in a super-white area of Florida but somehow have wound up friends with every POC in their grade. Their outings with their friends are about as interracial as mine with my friends, and I live in NYC. Not sure why this is, but I'm really pleased with them.

My brother-in-law is in his mid 50s. In college (he graduated in 1978), he apparently had a black roommate for, like, a semester. He therefore feels that he is OK to say the most unbelievably racist stuff, because he isn't racist, you know, and he said stuff like that to his black roommate. He has not spoken to

I never thought I looked like my mom until I turned about 40 and caught her looking back at me in the bathroom mirror. Freaked the fuck out of me.

On the Brooklyn Bridge? No worries there, it's loaded with suicidal tourists constantly ambling into the bike lane without looking. You can't go fast at all and have to stop every couple of seconds so you don't get killed by someone's idiot aunt from Cleveland.

Oh, lordy, I ADORED the candy corn oreos. Fortunately, everyone else thought they were repulsive so they were All.For.Me. I deeply hope they have them again this year.

For my sister's wedding, we did something similar and it worked really well.

Too much is never enough

Correct. And people who are not white and Christian and do not live "in the heartland" are not real Americans, either.

Next time you are at the salon, find out what brand and what color number they use on you. Pay close attention to what they do to mix it and put it on you.

That's Roscoe!

I've said this forever too!

I worked with a guy who was a COMPLETE douchebag. Just a total whiney weenie guy. He was engaged to some girl and we thought she was nuts to put up with him.

I keep trying to get Scandal! I cannot figure out when it is on so I can program DVR!

First there was the original 90210 and I watched it religiously.
Then there was my beloved Melrose Place.
For a short time there was Models Inc. too! I was so happy!
Then there was a long sad dark period
Then there was The OC and I was happy again. The theme song is my ringtone
Then there was a long sad dark period again

Ever get a contact lens full of jizz? That shit hurts like a motherfucker.

When I first got out of school and moved to NYC, I was on the super-effective Poverty Diet as well. I could eat anything I wanted, but I only had $3 a day to spend. I had a pint of milk for lunch everyday because at the time it was only $.65.

Russian Red is gross on me too, but Dubonnet is a truer/blue-based red and it is awesome.

I think morning people are the big entitled assholes — they are so goddamn self-righteous and proud of their morning asses. They'll schedule shit for the ass-crack of dawn and act all superior when you show up shaking and looking like you just got whacked upside the head with a two-by-four. They brag about coming in

Here's the one my friend posted earlier this week ...